Friday, April 5, 2024

Another dining table complete

We are in full on winter; snow covered but it hovering around -2 so hopefully the moisture sinks in soon. I was awake early, let H in garage and played brains games. After feeding her and the cats, I put on coffee and did level 24 Tantrix.

Renn and her Dad chilling

S was up around 9:30 for coffee and porridge. He then got on with making the chicken feeder. I sanded and clear coated the table top. Then the apron edges were darkened to match legs better.

We finished up the soup for lunch then S was of to town again for shinny. I worked on uploading videos for this table tutorial. Many had to be compressed or loaded to my google drive as too large to post here. This takes time. I did take a break to snap pictures of the finished dining table to post later. Then I wrote a Hometalk post for the nesting tables.

It has been overcast all day but now is plus 2 so I took Har for a walk. It was blustery and ugly but better along the trees. Once back to the house she got another good shedding brush then fed. I organized the garage a bit and tried to take a picture of the sideboard but no good light or help to move it off the trolly.

I was gobsmacked to get a text from shaina whose 5;30 flight to Florida was not only delayed but once on the tarmac they returned to the airport for someone to get off?? WTAH! Her luck with Porter Airlines has been shit. She asked if I might help her with a letter so I added my suggestions to her draft.

S was back home but did not bring supper as he suggested earlier. Looks like BT sandwiches it is. I worked on getting a few more toy items listed while S filled out our USA banking documents. B and Coop were out for a quick feed. Time for a hot tub soak while still light. I keep forgetting to share the pussy willows are blooming but the weather has made cutting some unfavourable. S shocked the hot tub after our soak while I showered then continued on Shaina’s letter. She text she landed in Florida!! Finally! S showered then read a bit of the investing book while watching sports. I continued reading the Book of Thorns.

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