Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Renn's new do :)

Har slept in, hooray but I oddly wake at 3:30 ish to listen for her. The winds were still howling. The ground was snow covered upon waking  and coming down sideways. Coffee please. I went to grab paint from the furnace room to see if we could use for the rental. It smelt like laundry as I descended the stairs. I found in the storage room a puddle of laundry detergent. It seems the one jug must have dropped and punctured a small hole that leaked out. The rug went back in the washing machine once again and all was cleaned up. Luckily I had an almost empty one I could transfer to. We did dump some down the drain in this transfer too. Harley’s food was delivered in this hurricane. The poor driver delivering orders all day in this chaos. We headed off to the city after I unloaded her food.

We arrived as Miss Renn was just waking up before 11:30. What a happy girl she was. She entertained us while we visited. Kaylin made me a tasty iced coffee. Thank you! The hour visit went fast sadly. 

This new ball just delivered had a bite out of it in short order.

This top knot is so cute!

We headed back to the NE for my heart & neck ultra sounds. The tests went fast then we set off to HomeSense. I had just 3 things I was looking for so it was a quick unsuccessful loop.

Our next stop was Lammle's for the prince to try on jeans and cowboy boots. This was a much longer stop then anticipated but in the end he found a pair of jeans - on sale too. And paid for mainly by Mom and Dad K Christmas gift cards. THANK YOU! 

looking to find some little cowgirl boots, keep your eyes peeled folks!

Going to make me a sign like this :)

the cowboy's new duds

It was now almost 3 and we were starved. S ordered chicken and fries at Costco while I did a couple returns. We ate while shopping and had a few samples too. After checking out, I unloaded the goodies in the car while he got us each a sundae. This filled us both right up not wanting the rotisserie chicken we bought for supper. 

We were back home at the ranch at 4:30 to find poor "Darren" tree had blew over in this ugly wind storm. S helped me stake him back up to the one metal post I could not remove last week. We then unloaded quickly and he hit the couch to nap but ended up chatting with Craig on the phone.

S was then off to his rodeo meeting heading in after 5:30 wanting to wash the truck before the meeting. I spent the evening finding, editing and prepping a rental contract for the new renters. I also worked on the blog and some marketing. But after 8:30 it was time for a chicken sandwich while watching the last of Queer Eye season. The wind slowed to a bluster. S was home from his meeting and usual stop for sociables after before 10. I started the new season of Buying Beverly Hills while he perused his phone while watching sports on TV too.

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