Sunday, April 7, 2024

First campfire of 2024

 S was off to church after coffee and I to try and market my wares. I put the table on a few more sites, listed a new Etsy box and cleaned up more Facebook groups I no longer no longer interested in. It is so easy to add stuff on social but a huge pain to clean up just like photos. It was above 0 temps over night and up to 6 this am so there is mud everywhere.

Nathan sent these of Renn being a big girl drinking out of her Mom's huge Stanley mug as he is Dad on duty today with Kaylin working.

Britt and Cooper were out around noon. S stayed after church for pancake breakfast and the AGM.  I headed outside as it was a perfect day to walk the pups. After stopping to check on Britt who was trimming feet, me and the dogs took a walk. The grass is coming in greener today as it melts. Back in the yard I gave the dogs 2 big bones then scooped pounds of poo that the melted snow has revealed. I was pondering where to put an in ground garden when S returned at 1 bringing me an iced coffee. He donned rubber boots and joined me. We narrowed down to 2 spots and think it will be west of the house. It will however require a fence system to prevent horses running thru it.

I moved on to moving rocks off the grass around the walkway and weed chopping around the raised beds. Weeds are coming up like crazy. The Christmas lights were taken off the deck finally and S rolled them up and put away. I trimmed the willow tree then S ran the wagon of “crap” to the pit. B and Coop headed home before 2. S started cutting up some of the broken teepee poles. I loaded the pieces in the ranger. We then started a fire in the pit. This started Sunday relaxation time. It is 11 degrees out now. Beauty day out! Harley got a brushing after she took a bone chewing break. S accidentally tossed the brush in the fire pit. Oh goodness.

Japanese hotdogs were our supper much to Sheldon’s delight. Then he drained the hotdog pack over the fire pit dropping 2 hotdogs in the fire. I saved them and gave to a happy Harley. Next up was a hot tub soak followed by a shower and some chips and dip. Time to relax in bed reading while tickling S’s back.

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