Saturday, April 27, 2024

A big race day

Oh my the wind is wild again. I debated putting out the planters but in the end did so but was a bad idea. I am 3 days behind on the blog so worked on getting one done. However a video of Renn swinging for the first time would not load. No way, no how even trying 15 plus times. I finally gave up as time was running out to leave. We got ready and were heading off of the day when Britt finally made it out to feed her horses and drop Cooper at 11. She is to be at a baby shower in Fernie for 1 pm. Gonna be late. ;) We left H out with her and headed to the arena. Archer was playing in a tournament. We arrived in time to catch his epic goal. Unfortunately they lost but looked to have had fun.

new toy set up for Renn

She has her own really live dolly to feed.. or should I say doggy :)

I was starved having only had coffee so far. S had his daily oatmeal bowl earlier of course but was hungry too. Tim's was our stop for yet another fast food meal on the road. We met Shaina and Matt almost exactly at the same time at the race track at 12:45. This was our entertainment over the next 4 hours. 

Matt and Shaina did well in their bets both up about $30-40, Sheldon not so much once again (-$40) but all claimed to enjoy the challenge. Dave and "Woody" beat the unbeatable Shark Week today for the $25,000 purse. This was very exciting.

He also won another with YRU SO Sirius again. And on the last race he brought General Custard from 8th place to 2nd almost clenching another win.

After the races we drove over to the barn. Shaina and Matt swung thru Tim's then met us there.

Shaina treated Woody to black liquorice, all the horses favourite treat.

General Custard gave himself a shavings spa

Of course Dave had his Bruins game on in the barn just starting as we left at 6. KFC had just arrived as well, looking like a party ahead. We swung by Costco only to find it was now closed, dang it! Home it is. The dogs were let out and fed first thing after their quiet indoor day. I prepped another GF meal - pork meatballs in tomato fennel sauce. It was tasty and made S happy after not having a home cooked meal since Wednesday. This is very rare for us.

Of course hockey went on as soon as we got in the door and never shut off till lights out. S perused the net and checked over our taxes that arrived back to review. I worked on the blog and accounting. I remembered my planters were still out at 9:30 so hauled them in. Poor things were dried out and wind whipped so most likely was a bad idea to have them outside today. 

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