Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Vanity complete

Not sure why but 4:59 eyes open; no robin or dog just awake. S wakes at 4 am programed for his work. H did want out about 15 minutes later into the misty sunrise which was pretty then to garage. J darted in too but got evicted. Back to sleep till time to start the morning routine. S and I chatted over a coffee when Shaina came up to make eggs and bacon. Today she was up early for her meeting so seems we all had an early wake. Her breakfast was enjoyed with a glass of kombucha then she was back to work. 

I got busy cleaning the house as we have invited Stouts over tonight seeing Darren is on vacation. S headed over to Matt's before 10:30. While I was sorting and cleaning I did have good news that the second lady in line wanted the table set and the first (Coreena) would deliver it to her. More good news came as I was chatting with Mama K on the phone and the rain finally started around 11:30.

S was back from Matt's around 12:30 to finish up the chili and mop off the satellite to finally get it working to catch the news. Shaina popped up for a sandwich as well then back to work. I made a sandwich too after folding the last of the laundry and putting away then onto the vanity for finishing touches. The drawers were hauled back out and put in place but there were some wee edges seen so they were painted. S held the mirror top for me to screw in once I had cleaned and affixed the mirror to it. He then ran to town for a couple parts for Matt's job at 2:30.

I did more touch ups on the vanity then snapped a couple pics and covered it with a blanket and tucked to the side for pick up at a later date. Brushes were washed and stuff tidied up, I was opening a Rustoleum parcel when S returned in the hour with hot teas for S and I then he headed back to Matt's to finish up.

It did not take long and he was back and hit the couch. Shaina was heading out to the gym seeing it was 4. After a rest I rousted S to go for a walk now the rain had let up for awhile. We did a big 2 km loop and checked the gauge when back to the house, another 4/10ths today, yes. The sun started to peek out and made for a bit of a humid feeling. Inside S hit the couch with a water and the news, I tidied the bathrooms, prepped some snacks and got H her supper. S showered up then hopped back on the couch for a nap while I caught up todays blog. Shaina was home around 6:30 to cook her supper: chicken and tortellini. It was good even as I claim not to be a tortellini fan.

We finished up and I just got dishes done when Stouts arrived just after 7:30. Our evening of visiting and tree viewing was well needed. The girls went out and rode bareback in the golden hour taking the dogs along as well. B came in to join us for a bit while Shaina headed to shower and room. S pulled out all kinds of snacks and lots was caught up on with Stouts heading home after 11. Nice to be able to catch up now and then in this silly world.

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