Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hay is cut

H sat on the deck again this am from after 6 for about an hour before I put her in the garage. S had a rough night with his shot reaction but was up after 8 to make coffee. I fed H and joined him for a cup. Today is swathing the rest of the hay. Today he is taking his gun along, after coffee and toast he was ready to roll. I headed out to let horses all out again for the day. As I was opening the far paddock I spied a gopher so called S who was on his way to the swather with his gun. He came over and popped 2 while H and I looked on soon joined by the herd.

look at the size of these beauties

coming in hot to see what the shooting is all about

He was off but back in short order with another repair. I had him help me carry the table Kaylin is going to us out on the deck and I spent a couple hours sanding it outside in the shade. 

I took S a cold kombucha when he was back in for another breakdown repair then back to dark wax the table base.

The vanity was moved back to stage wall again to make room for a new dining table so I snapped a peony shot.

S was in at 12:30 for a nap. Before doing so I had him help carry in the table top as I was just finishing up the dark wax then I snapped a few pictures. B and Coop arrived around 1, she filled the puppy pool and prepped for a saddle fit check. I had B help me carry in the table top and get set up on the table. Next step is leg fastener repair.  I got the table glass out and loaded it in Shaina's jeep to go in safely. She was off to the city to help Kaylin in her move at 1:30.

We finally have a painted table again.. for how long is the mystery.

I woke the sleeping prince after an hour of sleep in hopes he could help me with the table legs. He obliged and we got new holes drilled and them glued in place. The legs were affixed and flipped over ready for my next steps. He headed back in to the couch and cool air as it was now 30+ out. I hand sanded the table top.

Sharon and her parents arrived at 2:30 to help Britt trouble shoot her saddle fit and found her aussie was an ok fit. Shaina's saddle was checked and needs to be reflocked. Sheldon stopped out to say hi then jumped in the swather to get finished. 

The guests were all loaded up and headed out after an hour. B hoses the horses as now 32 then she headed to town to do errands leaving Coop here. I took S out a cold beer as he passed by then got busy hemp oiling the table top; I love how it soaks into old wood. 

While it was drying for a couple hours H and I went inside to the A/C to catch up todays blog. I also opened my paint parcel that was delivered this am.

S was finished up after 4 and hit the couch; he is still not feeling well after his 2nd shot. Time for another nap. I got busy making kombucha; today I made 15 bottles of pomegranate and orange. A new double batch was made seeing we go thru allot now that S is on vacation. S was awake before 6 and he barbequed corn on the cob, steak and roasted veggies all on the BBQ and all done at the same time, well done young grasshopper! I fed H, much to Cooper's starving stares then put another oil coat on the table top. Supper was delicious.

S however had to hit the couch again and was down and out for the night. B was out around 7 with food for Cooper. She fed and hosed horses while I hand fed them watermelon rinds then got hand watering my garden. It was too hot to work Roo so B headed home around 8. After my watering I came in to finish todays blog and post yesterdays now the video links are ready. S was tucked into bed, hopefully tomorrow he will be right as rain.

I worked on tutorials then set out to get the kittens in around 10. They were enjoying the swaths and searching for mice so took  bit but eventually wrangled them into the barn after closing the big door and giving them offal/food. Time to finish season 2 of Manifest with my headphones, now when will they post season 3?

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