Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Custom tile order

So windy when H wanted out at 5 am and it was still blowing hard when I awoke at 8. I got the quote in for the mirror and cost for my friend came in at $95!!! Going forward I am going to say all glass/mirror must be removed before dropping off or I am not liable. He says they have a non liability breakage at their glass business even. Yet another expensive life lesson. They also said most likely there was a hairline stress fracture that I would not have seen that could cause the crack. No matter I told the gal I would replace it.

So many exact measurements were needed; thickness, bevel, hole size and placement and so hard to photograph, so sad the wee corner could not be glued.

I spent a good part of the morning doing marketing things with my caps after feeding H. On the flip side I had an Etsy sale but it is for a custom tin tile so will have to make it now. Shaina was not up till 10:30 dragging her day with a migraine. Most likely caused by the wind. She did go put KD's meds in before heading to her room with a cappuccino.

I got busy creating the faux tin tile; first step the raised stencil then let dry. Horse feed set to soak and the board scraped and sanded ready to create a growth ruler. This led to the floor being swept. Meanwhile the mirror details were sorted and it was ordered. 

After a bite for lunch I worked on a Hometalk tutorial for the white wash nightstand before heading back out to add colors to the tile. In between color layers I sorted paints to purge and stained the baby gift growth ruler.

Shaina fought thru her headache and cooked her porkchop supper early ready for 4:30. I put an order in for more raw food for H switching her to only salmon seeing she has been itchy and think it could be the turkey now too. Then we took H for a walk swinging by KD to put her eye meds in.

Back at the house I got busy with my water kefir process, a new grape ginger bug soda ferment and then a 1/2 gallon batch of fermented lemonade. B and C arrived as I was working but she forgot to grab a couple gallon jars I was offered hence the 1/2 gallon version tonight. She made up a salad and was off to do horse things. I took the lemon peels and the scobys out to bury in the hurricane winds still blowing. I had to retrieve the puppy pool and weed tub that were across the yard as I went to cut fresh lilacs for the house.

The wind finally let up not long after allowing B to ride Roo in the round pen. She finished up her evening rearranging horses; 2 in the near grassless pen and 3 in the paddock that had a rest and heading home after 9. She kindly picked up the jars on her way home, THANKS B! The kitties were given a soft food supper.

The wind did not stay away long ;( Shaina popped up to make us popcorn then back to whatever she was doing and I working on the blog and computer work. I had my iPad by my side watching Manifest moving to bed around 10:30.

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