Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 1 is 29!

I was awoken by dam coyotes around 4:30 am then a stupid crow or magpie at 5:30, wth. Harley was up soon after I shut the windows then the usual out and to the garage. I crawled back but could not sleep thinking of Switch's feet seeing a message from farrier, hoping the kitties alluded the coyotes and hearing the robin hit the barn windows but did managed to fall back asleep till 8:30. I was kinda a slug till Amanda text her, Clover and Aislyn were on their way out and bringing me a tea. I fed H then visited with them when they arrived as AJ ate her bagel to prepare for cleaning. The darn robin was back at the house, think more towels need to go up. Aislyn was the go between to get books and a knife for her mom. She and I went to check on the kitties who had door open all night but of course they were hiding. I lowered the door to kitty only height using Clover as a tester.

Amanda and her were then off to town at 11 to pick up Arch from school. I headed to the garage to hand paint the top edges of the posts and the feet. This took almost as long as the entire bodies. I came in at 1 for a bite to eat and a kombucha. I had a cash register chime ring; yeah it was the last beachy vase. 

the shorter one on the right

Amanda and the 2 littles were back not long after to get back to cleaning. I watered my front plants quick and did poop scoop quick then helped AJ stuff her cushions. Inside I got the vase packaged up but the label printing ended up in chaos with the new printer not working. After an hour of troubleshooting I still had the same incomplete print job, grrr.

The kids were inside with me. It got pretty hot today hitting 29 but there is more to come over next couple days they say.

Amanda and I unloaded a coffee table she gifted me then the kids were loaded up and they were off for home around 5:30. I got busy working on a tutorial for the navy valet and was almost done when B and Coop arrived after 6.

She and I headed out for a ride looping the big pasture twice and the paddock a few times getting the girls (Switch & Roo) into shape. It was yet another amazing evening, the wind let up and the sun was all golden and everything is so green. 

Harley was tuckered

After our ride we hosed off the ponies then B fed the 2 while I watered my garden. When I came in the house had a heat alert of over 26 so I kicked on the A/C. B headed for home at 8:30 as I was in the shower.

Out of the shower and into cleaning mode seeing I am hosting a birthday brunch for Sharon tomorrow. It is on the deck but bathrooms need to be clean. I then went and put the 1st coat of clear coat on the table tops.

B text asking what size boots I wanted to order for Switch so I went out to measure. I also had gone out to check hydrant handle put down which B did after filling the trough and taking H for a potty opportunity.

We had opened the shop paddock up and this is where they stayed for quite some time hoping to get it lowered to leave Roo and Switch in there when no so hot as no shelter.

I snapped these pretty sights as I meandered around the yard scooping poop and taking in the sunset.

Back inside it was time to relax with some Amazon Prime watching Younger and then starting Pink's documentary but shutting off as getting tired and late.

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