Saturday, June 19, 2021

Coyote? and a fox!

Our morning was the usual with marketing and cleaning and letting the kitties out. I showered which was futile after my mid days project lol. The day was overcast and forecast says rain but so far nothing. I had a bowl of raisin bran for my brunch at 11:30 and it was time to get busy outside.

B dropped Cooper off as I was hauling things out of the trailer and snapping pictures. She soaked food then was off to the city to get his food then back to town for a dentist appointment. I continued my task then hosed some of the items seeing they could use it. while I was hosing the dogs were getting riled up. I saw H chase a dog like animal to the west thru the hay; I though coyote but could only see top as it jumped thru hay but she came back when called. Not long after Cooper who was still barking set off after a fox. They raced towards the gate with me yelling to come back. Of course this was a small heart attack until he finally came back after the fox ducked into the winery trees at the gate and headed back east away from the highway. Sheldon has promised to control the predators when he gets home.

All 3 cats were on this inspecting seconds before I grabbed my phone, it seems the fellow had a cat LOL

I decided to start the coffee table right away seeing I had it clean and out so sanded it for an hour or so. 

I then hauled it in and painted the base a coat of primer.

 Next up was trying to get glue out of a crappy job on the table base; home repairs are not always good.

I also tried to deconstruct the huge headboard for pieces but put back together and will try and sell as is first. It is solid maple and has great detailing.

B was back after 3 with a frozen face. She fed the horses then she and 1 gave the kittens their dewormer. She was back to her horses while I backed out my car, swept and hosed the floor, so much dust. The rain never did arrive although it was dark and threatening most of the day but there was a brief spell of sun around 4 when I came in for a kombucha and to work on the blog and post some free items. the cedar chest was called in short order and will be picked up tomorrow, the girl is Cheri H cousin; another small world connection.

I went and put kittens away as B was finishing up and heading home at 5:30 when the rain finally started but it was only short lived. I went to the garage; fed H and painted a second coat of primer on the coffee table. Tonight was a vegetarian meal with roasted veggies. I had them in the oven and went to bury some lemon rinds. This led to pulling a tub of dandelions and gave to the skinny pen. Now to find J; I looked everywhere, in the garage twice, shed, horse trailer front and back and mez twice. I was making a 3rd loop and calling when finally I went by his favorite lilac tree and he finally meowed. Either he is deaf or not to concerned about me looking for him. I put him in the barn and back inside to my very cooked veggies.

They still tasted good :) Manifest played as I caught up the blog. H was sleeping in the garage again so I crawled into bed and finished season one and started season 2 of Manifest.

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