Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Start of vacation for S hits 31

H was happy to go sit in the sun after 6 and even when I checked a bit later still wanted to stay. Not long after S went to the bathroom and checked and she only wanted in after he crawled back in lol He put her in the garage but it was not long after I heard her barking. I forgot Cooper was coming for daycare day. I decided to just get up and let the prince sleep in. H was fed early and I sanded the wood filler areas while she did. Then we all went and let the kitties out. I watered elder as today is going to be a hot day they say.

I did make a pot of coffee for the prince after 9 delivering to him in bed. Once up he sat in the sun for a bit visiting with the animals, had a bowl of cereal then into the bedroom for an online thing at 10. I went and put another coat of walnut stain on the table.

After his meeting S ran to Matt's to turn off his water then back to grab me and run to town. First stop was to pick up the sold magazine rack then attempted to pick up S's newest prescription. They however managed to screw it up refilling an old one and not the new one. The dogs and I were waiting in the car; too hot at 29 degrees so far. Next we tried to go thru Tim's but it was noon and packed so we backed out and headed home.

Once back at the ranch I sourced a box for the magazine rack before chowing down on a bowl of chili with a kombucha. Now to pack it all up safe and sound. S was trying to nap then the water testing guys arrived. Shaina held the box while I taped it up and it is all ready to go. Darn Canada Post charged $55 for a parcel to go to Ontario. She finished her chili and back to work.

Cooper loves his roomie :)

Sheldon ran back to town at 2:30 dropping off my Etsy parcel and picking up his prescription that he finally got straightened out. I went back to the garage and put a 3rd coat of walnut on the coffee table then started painting the dining table base.

S was back around 3:30 with an iced coffee, thanks! It hit over 31 as a high! He then hit big brown for a nap. I worked on a growth ruler tutorial. For supper I put on pork chops rice and veggies then headed out to feed dogs supper. My assistant was up now and on duty while I was out as I had to put kombucha in the fridge too and it took a rearrange. Shaina was done and we all ate by 6. B was working late which worked well to have Coop here today.

S was off to watch hockey in the TV room after we gave H a quick brush outside. I got busy painting. Shaina was off to the gym. B arrived after 7:30 as I was finishing up the pedestal. 

She ate as I washed up pots and pans then we went out. Horses were hosed and Switch was given a dose of bute. All horses had bump reactions from their shots but hers actually had a bent needle after she moved getting hers. KD was put with Pepper and Bird which made her day then B and C headed home. I hand watered my garden, pots and the new rose bushes.

white peonies just starting to open

water cooler chit chat

S came out with soft food to put kitties away during intermission. Shaina was home around 9:30 as I was just coming in. Blog was caught up then to bed to watch iPad with headphones while the prince watched TV.

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