Thursday, June 10, 2021

city run and sunset

H wanted out at 5:07 before sunrise but it was cool and cloudy, S put her in garage a few minutes later when he ventured to bathroom then we all went to sleep till her breakfast. No rain as forecast but it was blustery and dreary. After his coffee I had ready S went to check on the kitty door and scooped some poop. I grabbed a bit from the barn and scrubbed it up to possibly meet a guy in the city or mail to him. S was cutting his hair so helped do his neck. S went down at 11 and woke Shaina who overslept and missed her 9 am meeting and just made her 11 am LOL

He filled water cups, we had some leftovers then headed to the city for S ultrasound just after 12. We stopped in Langdon to grab a chai tea adding to his fluid intake. The rain started as we neared the city and was off and on all day there.  He was dropped at his appointment, the bit guy could not make it so I headed to Home Depot where I finally found some boards for a growth ruler for Whitney's baby gift. Watch out though as they were marked $11.53 each but rang thru as $12.91 at the till!! I also checked out washers for B and checked out the plants.

Looks like top loads are going back to agitators .. old school is new again

I was back to pick up S at 2 and we headed to Costco. Once we had our supplies we loaded up with a sundae for the road and headed home. Back at 4 pm to find no rain here but still cool and overcast. Items were hauled in and S hit the couch for a nap. I put things away and did a bit of prepping.

Supper was Costco potato salad, chicken souvlaki, cheese bun and rice. B was out at 6:30 bringing the sun and high of 14 and bringing a package delivered to the gate as were were just putting away stuff. She fed the horses and headed home to meet Dave for supper. 

S was off to the TV room for hockey and Shaina and I took H and the cats for a big long walk. I fed the kitties offal before coming in to work on the computer while Shaina was studying in the living room.

Shaina took a break after 9 to go for another walk to get more steps in seeing she was only at 4000, she took Harley again too. I wrote a Foodtalk post for the tepache. S was in bed after hockey ended with a bowl of popcorn roomie Shaina made him. I headed in to watch some Startup once I got my computer stuff done.

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