Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Lawn mowed ready for rain

No reason to wake other then my internal clock at 5 am but was happy to hear the cats loping around the deck and no robins. I eventually fell back to sleep till 8:30 when I heard Harley bark. I guess she was ready for breakfast :) I got her fed as S made his coffee. I made a cappuccino then headed out to put another coat of light turquoise on the the vanity interior while he visited out there. He then set out to weed eat and start mowing. I redid the flip top to and left it to dry and gathered all garbage's to drop off today. We loaded up Harley and off to town at 11. S dropped me at my massage then went to B’s to check her washing machine issue. I suggested he grab some potatoes and butter for supper but he ended up getting more off my list picking me up by 12:30. 

We grabbed A&W for lunch then filled with gas. B text asking to take Cooper home so we went back and picked him up. stopping to toss the trash and grab the mail we dropped a letter off at the new neighbors who bought Stouts have a letter of his in ours. This was the perfect chance for S to meet him. back at the ranch groceries were put away then I was back to my vanity clear coating the top and few other areas and adding a 3rd interior coat. S ventured out to finish the mowing and moving his tree water.

The day was blustery overcast and cool with threats of rain but nothing. I took a bucket to little elder who survived the early drought so far then scooped poop. I rousted S from his big brown rest and we took the dogs for a walk around the west loop. Back at the house S headed in to big brown and I hand watered my garden. Inside I watered all my plants while S prepped steaks and baby potato's for supper. He tried the copper pad on the barbecue to roast them. Supper was yummy.

B arrived at 6:30 as I was out watering the front flower bed and pots now that S had stopped watering trees with that hose. She ate her salad she picked up then headed out to feed horses. Time to catch up the blog while S chilled on the couch. B was off for home an hour later.

Amanda and Craig passed her on their way out to drop off a couple items they had borrowed and check trailer for mice. I was able to give Archer his bday present too. They visited for a bit then off for home. Back inside I got a message the coffee table was too small for the buyers home so wanted to offer to the next person in line. She is measuring and will see if it works in her house. If not I guess it will be back up for sale ;(  Sheldon went out to mow the laneway seeing it is forecasting rain for next two days.

Shaina was back home at 9 as I was nearly completed the navy desk tutorial. She was off to have a bath. I also wrote a FoodTalk post for golden milk while S watched hockey and moved water on the forest.

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