Friday, March 10, 2023

Table sanded

No sun but still -18time for a morning meditation and a crossword before coffee. This is our new trial plan for the mornings. Then I was on to family tree chatting with Mom for an hour and S perusing news. Laundry was on the go again too. I ran out taking H to feed Bird seeing the horses were in. I left her to eat and got the others sunflower seeds/oats then came in to prep things to go to town.

We ran to town before 11:30 stopping at the optometrist first. Wouldn't you know it after they finally got me in and the glasses all adjusted I looked down and could not read the paper, seems they put in distance lenses!! To make the trip to town worth it we grabbed some groceries and lunch before heading back home tossing trash out on way back to the ranch.

A gal arrived to buy an old antique chair just after we finished eating out noodle bowls. I added a 4th coat of paint to the nightstand top then headed out to sand the table tops in the garage. S went out at 3 to plow the road just as the snow finally hit. He came in for a rum then back out for a short bit putting away the skid steer letting it snow.

my fancy new sander and dust extraction tools

We got laundry all folded and put away. I cooked up another Hello Fresh meal for supper and it turned out super good. Of course gravy on anything makes S day! I have never cooked potatoes and cauliflower together and mashed before but will in the future. S had lit a fire while I cooked for a warm cozy feel while it snowed. He did then head downstairs to the TV room as I worked on creating anniversary graphics. I totally forgot about this since talking about it in the hot tub last week. After creating a couple and setting them to publish I headed to bed to watch some more Next in Fashion episodes.

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