Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Loads of snow still

All fogged in again upon waking. We managed to fit in 2 relaxing meditations this am. The second one with a hot coffee. S then chatted with his Ma and Pa. I did marketing quick before our 10 am zoom class. S chatted up solar folks and found renewable energy resources. I finished up marketing and some accounting.

For lunch I made another recipe of instant pot mushroom soup. This one I prefer as creamier. Especially using my new hand blender. Once lunch cleared up I worked on the blog a bit to post yesterday. S renewed his nexus card. We also need to renew our passports this year too. The vacuum was pushed around for hair/dust control.

The custom jewelry box was my next project. It was painted a coat of mauve. Now to decide on the graphics. I went with the one I used with this color in the past. They are pretty for a young girl too. S took H for a walk then seeing it was so nice at plus 2 and full sun he got the skidoo out. He also took his gun and sniped the gopher I saw yesterday.

The graphics were decided then a second coat of paint went on. The table was next sanding the edges and starting the legs. S was back in for a beer then gave H a bath.

I cooked up the pork chop kimchi udon noodles meal for supper. Again it was a unique one I would not have ordered but it was good. Now to clean up dishes and kitchen and prep food for Sharon and Darren's arrival.

Stouts arrived just after 7. Sharon brought fresh buns from Timba :) THANK YOU! For the next 4 hours we caught up on their trip we skipped, family and more. It is always good to catch up. They headed after 11 with S heading to TV room to watch Oiler's OT and I to bed to watch some You on Netflix.

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