Sunday, March 26, 2023

Switch trimmed

Sunday am coffee with morning meditation. I was then on to watering all my plants after a quick marketing. . It seems I have lots of plants to tend too with watering and misting. S had porridge after he got up to start his day.

I then got to work on the desk. Power sanding proved a bad idea so it was hand sanded then wiped clean. A coat of grey went on. S washed up his hockey equipment in the garage washer. He then did some sewing on his elbow pads. I vacuumed and scrubbed the main floor. This was muchly needed. Then it was on to spot washing walls/baseboards which Harley has left her marks on. I also got the nebulizers going to get a real clean small happening.

B and Coop arrived just after 1. She and I went out and caught Switch and Roo and trimmed their feet. S took the dogs then brought us a cold pop as we were finished. B fed Bird and I came in to put a second coat on the desk. B finished up and she and Coop headed home after 3.

We hit the hot tub in the fabulous sunshine. What a beauty day out. I had reached out to find a rescue cat and chatted up a lady with one that sounded great. He is in Airdrie so will see about when we might go see him. Supper was BBQ burgers and a salad. Tasty and very spring like meal. S had gotten is book out to read for the afternoon and after supper.

I worked on the ancestry charts. Mom arrived after 7 bringing us a tea, thank you! We visited and worked on ancestry stuff while S kept reading. She was off to Paetz's after 9 taking my custom jewelry box along to deliver on the way home tomorrow. THANKS!

I did a bit more family tree then to bed to read. S stayed in big brown reading but did come to bed to work on crosswords. After lights out I could to sleep thinking of a few things I forgot on the custom jewelry box but plan to fix in am. Especially after she paid me more then I asked for.

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