Thursday, March 16, 2023


Usual start with a relaxing meditation followed by coffee and breakfast for S and H. I got to work on the computer  to do some marketing and family tree. S did his internet peruse and bundle up taxes.

I was staining the table top a coat of white when S took H to town to drop off taxes and get us lunch. Once I finished up I came in to work on the tree having connected with another "cousin" and plotting living people on the tree. S and H were back after 12 bringing Opa for lunch.

I spent the afternoon chatting with a group of DNA cousins on Facebook sorting things on the tree in real life. There was a break to get bathrooms all cleaned with S's help. He measured up areas and got quotes for cement in the spring and gave H a brush. He had a late afternoon hot tub alone in the gorgeous sunshine. I would have loved to join him but the brightness is not a good idea on my fresh baby skin.

I made a pot of chili for supper with S making garlic toast to go with it. He was then off to TV room to watch hockey night and I to the garage to paint the table base its first white paint coat. I also then gathered up the first prize package I drew for this week.

Back inside I posted the next giveaway which is a private paint class. Then I caught up the blog before heading out for a solo hot tub. I was just getting out of the shower when Mom arrived after 9. I caught her up on my latest tree findings. She and I are both reading Spare . We each headed to our beds to read after 10 with S not coming up til later to read for a bit too.

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