Thursday, March 30, 2023

Foggy morning

All fogged in again today on wake up. After coffee, meditation and H fed I did my usual marketing then spent time accounting as it is month end. S relaxed in bed then moved to island for breakfast and news peruse. He headed out before 10:30 to hook up the slip tank on the trailer. Seems fuel and booze prices going up April 1st yet again.

I was off to the garage to work on the dining table. The legs were all sanded as were the apron edges. S mashed eggs for a sandwich for lunch. I popped in to eat mine then back out to start the paint process on the table base. I went with a medium grey color.

The fog burned off and the sun was now out. S took off for town after 12:30. He will get fuel after shinny as well as a few groceries and perhaps some beer before the prices go up. After painting the legs and apron edges I put another coat of stain on the top. 

While this all dried I took H for a walk. We went down the lane then did our leg building trudge thru the snow south then east thru the paddocks. Man we still have loads of snow. Below poor H is falling thru the snow as much as me walking across.

I popped in for a cold drink and snack then back out to sand the surfaces. The floor/stairs were swept and scraped under the door mat. It is starting to feel like spring. The painted surfaces were then clear waxed.

Time to catch up the blog and update paint spreadsheet. As I moved the desk glass downstairs I saw the tea cup planter and realized it was not listed on Etsy. Time to write the add up for it and get a shipping box/cost. S was back at 6 with a couple groceries and the fuel tank full at $1.135/lt.

I cooked up the shrimp and sautéed spinach to go with the mango chili salad I had made. Perfect delicious supper. S made cocktails and we headed out for a hot tub. It was a bit blustery but we toughed it out. It is golden hour right? Back in a shower and S was on couch watching hockey and I caught up the blog. Time to go read for me. I could not finish the book getting dozy. Tomorrow night I will finish Spare.

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