Thursday, March 2, 2023

-3, +3 to -3 again

It was -3 when waking today and only getting warmer. Same usual start but seeing it was so nice I went out and took off Bird and Timba's blankets. I then headed out to paint the nightstand. I had a slight headache upon waking but as I was painting with my head upside down in the table I started to feel nauseous. I finished up, quickly did a couple touchups on dresser and tossed brush into water dish. I laid on the couch with S brining me a water. He had been reading his book this am, then ran the vacuum around quick and was chatting with Craig.

I had only had coffee so far so ate a piece of toast and a couple of Sheldon's grapefruit pieces as he cooked a toad in the hole for his early lunch. He was off before 11:30 for his noon shinny. I sprayed and watered a few plants but did not feel better so laid in bed watching Netflix but this did not feel good either. I finally realized what caused the nausea faint feeling. It was the supplements I took on an empty stomach that compounded with the headache. This happened last time yet how did I forget?

S was back home at 2 in the glorious sunshine that was now +3 out. I was up and about giving the nightstand a light sanding. S went to roll out a bale for H and I went out as well. I checked the salt in the shelter then made my way over to S coming in the winter pasture. I helped him remove the bale strings and roll out the bale. 

The UPS dude was at the gate delivering my new sander system. S picked it all up with the skid steer as H and I walked back. We carried them inside the garage and had a cold drink on the deck seeing it was so nice outside. It was then time to get ready to head to the city. I fed H and left her in the garage for the evening as we headed out at 4. Even with crazy traffic in the city we made it to the vacuum place at 4:45 only to find it closed. I had confirmed I was picking up today so not sure what happened. Next it was to pick up my anniversary band that was resized and rhodium plated.

Our next stop was underground parking at the casino with plans to eat there seeing it is 5 pm. Unfortunately after trying multiple spots the wait was 1 hour at least so we headed to the dome. We found the same thing here but eventually found a table in the upper restaurant. S went and grabbed burgers and fries from the concourse while I ordered beverages at our table.

Look at all the blue jerseys!! I have never seen such a split team spirit, it was crazy energy

We then found our seats, section 219, row 20 seats 25/26. This was yet another new view for us both and it was ok. The game did not go as planned but it was close, 2-1. We made our way back to the car and out of the city in the usual crazy traffic. Once we got out on glenmore passed the power plant a storm blew in making for a treacherous drive home. 

It was now back to -3 again as we pulled in to the ranch at 11. I took H out for a well deserved pee break then back to bed. Mom was here in bed but popped her head out to say hello. S ate some peanuts before he crashed and I watched a bit of Netflix but soon shut off as headache has not gone away ;(

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