Sunday, July 24, 2022

Took dogs to the river

Ground hogs day letting horses out, feeding dogs and cats and back in for a coffee the prince was now up to make. B was out by 9:30 to beat the heat. She and I went for a ride around the perimeter with the dogs. I then trimmed Switch's feet while she trimmed a few bridle paths and fed. I trimmed Switch's bridle path before releasing her.

For lunch I made us bacon tomato avocado sandwiches then B and Coop set off for home. I also made a batch of sweet tea to brew some kombucha again.

Mid afternoon as the heat increased I suggested we take the dogs to the river. S loaded up chairs, umbrella and cold drinks while I got snacks, dogs gear and sunscreen. We arrived at the river after 3 to find it a very popular spot on a 27 degree day. we set up camp along the rivers edge but having 2 dogs circling 3 chairs (I got one for Lexi) with a wobbly umbrella standing in rocks was a bit of a juggle. Harley so wanted to play with a Shepard off leash chasing a stick and eventually did get a bit of free time only to find the dog did not want to play or share her stick.

this is home for a bit

I went back and got Lexi a chair to sleep in

the dogs were fans of the peanut sheller

when hot S took himself and H out in the river to cool down

Lexi preferred to make a bed in the chair bags LOL

H got a wee bit of off leash time to try and play but the other dog was not a fan of playing of sharing

this is the valley view on the way out of it

We packed up after 5 and on the way home swung thru Langdon for an iced coffee and loaded bowl for supper. What a great idea as the cabbage rolls were going to still be frozen when we get home. Back at the ranch I watered my garden and pruned a pile of zucchini leaves off while S helped a neighbor load small squares. It turns out he came in a hatchback to get 10 and can only load 2 at a time!! S kindly loaded 8 in his truck and followed him home to deliver.

Once back it was hot tub time followed by shower and relaxing in bed starting a new season of Blown Away. B was struggling to catch Beibs so I went and helped her then back to the house. Once she finished up she was off. Did you read family taco night post? I am slowly catching up :)

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