Monday, July 4, 2022

Rainy day

Rain was drizzling down every time I woke from 5, 6, 7 and 8, not hard but present. The little dogs had their pills while S fed H and made a pot of coffee. We enjoyed a relaxing cup catching up with the online news and Instagram. It was a perfect day to catch up on plant watering, laundry and computer work. There has been 1/4" overnight and more coming down.

I made a delicious spinach salad for lunch and after where there was a break in the rain we went out. I let the little pups out for a wander and pee while I helped S put on a few rake tines. I was back in to do a huge stack of accounting while S ran to the pit to weed whack the giant weeds down. He was back in after 3 to wash up and have a nap in big brown. Laundry folding with a side of fresh guacamole and chips rousted S from his chair. Rain started up after 4 again for awhile.

I heated us up soup for supper with a chai latte to warm us up after the refreshing juice we had with the guacamole snack earlier. After eating S was back napping in big brown while I finished up the mounting block tutorial and posted it and others on some linky parties. Laundry continued along with vacuuming which was great on an inclimate weather day.

B and Coop were out before 8 to feed. I gave Schmitt pups their meds and treat and checked the rain gauge to find another 1/10th of rain. S made a call to a work buddy to catch up. B tossed hay out again for the horses but soon called me to bring a halter as Beibs was chocking. I walked and stood with him while B ran to town to get Dave and his tube. The rain started back up so me and 3 horses stood in the sand area; I multi tasked scooping poop and tossing the ball to the dogs who were playing in the rain. I massaged Beibs neck firmly and soon he was no longer wheezing.

The town team was back and took him in where Dave ran the tube in just to be sure. S popped out after his call to check in too. Once he was good to go they put him back out in the middle paddock and headed for home. H went to bed in the garage soaked and full of sand. Once the ball game ended S and I hit the hot tub where it started to drizzle yet again and the mozzies got worse. Inside a rinse and into bed where we started a new series with a jumbo yogurt/fruit bowl but S was soon asleep so I went back to Umbrella Academy.

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