Sunday, July 17, 2022

Beibs/Dave first trail ride

I woke and few seconds later remembered yesterdays sad event. Dave was out soon after at 7 to pick up his horse Alex that was here for a few days. H went out to supervise then back in to her kennel after he as off in short order. I fell back asleep till after 9 which was once. I took Switch and Roo’s blankets and muzzles off before feeding H a late breakfast. S made coffee to go with raisin toast and bagels.

S headed it to start moving bales around while I tried to get some photos for Shaina. This had me finding an entire missing folder from our Kuhn Mexico vacation for Papa’s birthday. Panic set in and a frantic search thru my computer, the one in the basement then thru SD cards. Luckily I found my big camera pics so that was a relief. I found some for Shaina but some were water marked so burry when enlarged and no videos which I rarely took.

We had planned to trail ride tomorrow but the forecast is for 100% chance rain. Dave’s races were cancelled at Lacombe today due to rain yesterday so we decided to go later today. S hooked up the horse trailer before coming in for lunch.

We cooked up some ribs and coleslaw for a late lunch at 1:30. B arrived then too and had some salad then watched some stampede as we ate. Dave arrived after 2 so we loaded up tack, caught horses and loaded them up. We were just ready to pull out at 2:45 just as Debby and chuck pulled in. They unhooked set up and were off to Cochrane later. A quick hello book bye and we were off. 

Seeing it was late in the day we went to the river which is close. It is also Beibs first time out and unloading as a learning curve. Pepper was lame today so there was a change up, he rode Switch, I rode Bird and B miss Roo. As we tacked up we found Sheldon’s saddle did not have a cinch so there was a saddle swap around and B rode bareback. It was a warm day hitting 27 but we quickly found the mosquitoes were plentiful at the river. B wore a tank top and ended up covered in bites. The trails were covered over and buggy so we went up on the buttes where there was a bit of a breeze but no cover other then occasional clouds. B and I switched on the way back which was fun but man it made for a sweaty butt.

from front view to back view on my new steed

We were back to the trailer, untacked and had them loaded before 5 and made our trek home. Back at the ranch the horses were hosed as I cleaned out the horse trailer. S loaded the saddles on the quad and took to barn. B fed her horses while we had a drink on the deck with s bringing out the TV and rodeo PVR. I got a text the gal interested in the antique chair was close and hoped to stop. She arrived shorty after with B and D heading home before she arrived. It was just a few minutes and she said yep I’ll take it. I loaded it up and she was off. FINALLY a sale, it has been forever.

Mom had text earlier to meet for dessert and coffee but we had yet to eat so she offered supper. We jumped in the car and reached in right behind the chair buyer with Britt ad Dave meeting us there. We enjoyed supper with her and Dad, THANK YOU! 

Back home B and D were just ahead of us and off to put on bug sheets. S was off to watch rodeo, I gave Deb’s pups there pills then helped with bug sheets. They were then off for home. I sent the chair invoice and joined S watching rodeo while I wrote todays blog post. Schmitt's returned from their days adventure before 11 popping in for a quick visit then all off to bed.

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