Monday, July 11, 2022

Last of the swathing complete

We were awake early after 7, S made coffee had his cereal and out in the swather before 8. There was a herd of deer to the east enjoying the freshly cut swaths. I went and gave KD her morning meds and fed the cats then jumped in the shower before I then had a cup and did a bit of computer work till Debby was ready to go just before 9. Chuck continued to hook & pack up their trailer as we ran in to visit with Dad. He was just sitting down for breakfast when we arrived so we moved the the round table near the window. 

Once he was done his breakfast we stopped in his room to put on some socks then head out for a walk. It is a beauty day out with not a cloud in the sky. Chuck met us there to say hi to Dad and pick up Deb as they continued on their vacation to Buck Lake. Dad and I headed in to his room where he laid down for a nap and I headed for home at 11. I drove thru Tim's to get S and I an iced coffee.

Back at the ranch S was just moving in to cut the house paddock. I took his beverage then took of 5 of the 6 horse blankets; Beibs kept running away. S got a couple round before shutting it down to head in to town for a dr appointment. I waited in the car which was smoking hot for half hour then again for the next half hour with a couple other stops her had. I should have stayed home and got busy on my list but by 12:30 we were back home. S ate some soup and salad then headed outside. I got busy folding laundry and vacuuming in the A/C. A customer dropped off a stool she wants painted like pencils and paper for her classroom.

The remaining field was cut then he moved on to changing oil in tractor. I headed out for some sunshine to pick poop in the barn paddock. S moved on to changing the broke rake tines while I went back in to finish vacuuming and getting supper prepped. B was out early at 5:30 having gotten off work to pick up her tire. She got busy tidying the tack room, taking KD for a walk as S cooked the steaks then riding Roo. She came in to finish the bean dip for a late supper/snack. Dave was out around 7:30 and soon they were off with Beibs in the cart. The day was gorgeous with not a cloud at 24 but felt much hotter. We do have a heat warning for the next few days, yikes.

I went out to take a picture and ended up getting a ride to the east fence and actually drove him back to the house. B and Dave then untacked and hosed him then D let him graze while B put on fly sheets. I helped Sheldon with the rake tines as way easier with 2 people. 

cart pony video

evening ride video

The mozzies were horrid tonight. The townies headed for home around 9 and we came in. S had a quick shower before we hit the hot tub being covered in dirt and grease. The mosquitos were crazy so it was a hot tub but again the sunset was a beauty.

my pink peonies bloomed but not many so I cut and brought in to enjoy

check out this view video

S caught up on sports and internet news while I typed up the blog from the last 6 days bringing us ice cream, S grabbed us an apple each and a PB sandwich for him. He was sound asleep in not very long and after midnight I finally shut down my blogging. However I continued to play Cookie Jam till 1:15 LOL

When stuck in the puddle S tried pulling his rubber boot off and tweaked his hammy, here is what it looks like today!!

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