Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Camping prep

The rain came down around 1 and the yard was socked in misty when I went out to pill and visit the Schmitt dogs. Harley was fed next and coffee made then I got busy catching up the blog. S woke after 9 for his cup with a call to Ma and Pa. I put a bison roast in slow cooker to take camping with us.

The sun burned through after 10 as we headed out to load the ranger on the trailer. The gauge read 3/10ths overnight. Harley and the wee whites worked outside with us. The garden had some weeding done seeing this rain is growing allot of weeds. I took off Bird's rain sheet so as not to sweat the day away.

After putting dogs away we headed to town after 11. Our list had us stopping for a tractor filter, fill truck with fuel, return battery core, look for product at Lammle's B wanted without luck then going to OJ's for lunch. We even sat on the patio to celebrate the sun being out but it was a bit brisk. Next stop was lunch with Dad and a walk and sit in the sun before taking him back up to his room for a nap. 

Cooper was picked up next then a quick stop at Walmart for groceries before heading south dropping trash and picking up mail. Back at the ranch, all the dogs were out in the 24 sunshine while we prepped for the camp trip. Wood was loaded up and the hitch put in place before hooking up the trailer. The ranger window washed and tucked alongside the bed in the trailer and ranger tires filled. I put fireball away and S moved the trailer out front of the house. Time to load it up after feeding the big dogs.

S shocked the well with bleach then mowed the lawn now that the grass had a bit of time to dry while I continued to prep food for the trip. I am getting in my steps today :) For supper I made a spinach salad and BLT

B arrived before 8 to feed, put fly sheets on all horses, fill mineral tubs and sprinkle hay. She is such a great horse caregiver. I gave the Schmitt pups their meds then S and I went for a soak in the hot tub on a beautiful evening. The Vegas crew arrived back not long after we got in and showered for a drink and visit till 11 ish.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking such good care of Teddy and Jasper!
