Monday, July 25, 2022

Early to the city

It was an early one with an alarm going off at 6:30 but I did just go to sleep after waking up after 5 LOL. I got moving feeding dogs, cats and letting the horses out. The ground and grass was wet and cool and gloomy out. S made the coffee, had breakfast then we were off at 7:15. Wouldn't you know it there was a bridge delay but we made it to his 8:15 appointment almost on time. After almost 2 hours we were on our way swinging by Tims to grab breakfast.

S ate his bagel BELT in the car while I returned rugs at Home Sense. Next we hit Costco to do some returns and load a cart to the brim. Once back home we unloaded items but found Lexi had not eaten and had an upset tummy. She puked on the living room rug and floor. S cleaned it up while I put her out then we hauled rug out over the deck railing where he pressure washed it quick.

Next up he sliced the strip loin into steaks and we bagged them up. I stenciled the chair top while S was off on a gopher tour. Luckily it stayed cooler but the sun came out hitting 21.

S took the weed eater around as I scooped dog poop and picked up leaves before I finished the Stampede 2022 post, finally :) The next poop loop was in the barn paddock with the quad/trailer. S grabbed a couple beers for a break before we finished and S started mowing. I had put cabbage rolls in the oven during the break so it was ready. So yummy, Thanks Ma K!!

After he was finished S went out to finish mowing the lawn as I cleaned up. Lexi finally ate something which was great to see. Blog writing was up next for me as I am still far behind.

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