Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Canada Day

We were up and had coffee and catchup with the Schmitt's after a shower. I wore my new tshirt Deb made me to honor the indigenous children. They were then off to pick up their friends Chad and Karen at the airport at 11 and continued on their city and Canmore tour for the day.

S and I went in to town before noon stopping first to put a parcel inside for Amanda and S stepped off the hot tub measurements for wiring. We then were off to see Dad and join him for lunch again at a private table by the window. He is getting stronger and eating more which is good to see. After lunch we went out for a walk in the courtyard and sit in the sun for a bit. We walked him back up to his room and left him to catch a nap before 2.

Next stop was at Britt's to cut some bigger branches off her front tree and back ones hanging over each side fence. Canadian tire stop had 2 beautiful planters on sale I grabbed and S a new battery. Booze and groceries were next then back to the ranch where B was working with horses including trimming Pepper. S built a motor system for Matt then installed while I caught Switch and trimmed her feet. It started to rain while I was inside but was soon gone. B headed home to do some things.

S prepped and wrapped a steelhead while I prepped for fried rice. While waiting for Dave to finish up his busy day to join us for supper S and I went for a hot tub. It was now beautiful out and the mosquitoes left us alone. B was out at 7:30 as we were just getting out and after a quick rinse got supper on the go. Dave arrived just in time for us to eat around 8. 

The Vegas gang was back after 9 and as 3 unloaded and set up their trailer Deb came in to give Britt her hand made quilt before they headed home. We joined the gang in the trailer for a quick hello catchup and drink then S and I drove back to town to watch the 11 pm fireworks. It was a fabulous display, well done Strathmore. We were back home by 11:30 where I watched some Umbrella Academy and S went to sleep after doing his news cruise.

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