Saturday, May 1, 2021

We moved a 20 foot tree!

Crazy birds were gathered and carrying on after 5 am. I had to get up and shut window eventually. I let out H at the usual 6:30, lovely but a breeze then back to bed till after 8. Feeding her and getting the water going even though the breeze remains. S wanted to get up early and move the tree then changed mind and thinks tomorrow. Eventually he got his coffee going and decided that he would go dig the tree hole bigger after dumping the top soil load from yesterday then pushed the loads around in the pit and brought back a top soil load. I spent the am making all my milk and water kefirs and bottling a couple bottles ; lemon and cream soda.

Britt and Cooper arrived just before noon. She did horse things then picked allot of the poop in the closest paddock with the quad/trailer, well done B! I organized the garage a bit to make room. Here is the recent antique picked up without the marble top. I would like to plank it but not sure with price of wood, maybe keep marble and lose the top??

A customer and her husband who we knew from Oyen stopped after 1 to drop off a water damaged coffee table for me to refinish. Sheldon came out to visit as well for almost an hour. 

Then they were off. It hit 18 out sunny but the breeze remained. I dug some dandelions while getting water on the new trees.

This little volunteer tree popped up, my plant ID app says a red berried elder, now where to plant it.

Even though the west now looked dark and threatening we headed to town after 2:30. It did not take long to dig this huge last tree and get it loaded. It started to rain as we did so, hope this is a good sign for the tree. 

yard work done this week

digging underway

lifted and loaded

Back at the ranch B came to help us get the monster tree out of the trailer and into the hole then she was off to work with Roo. The hole required expansion trying with the tractor and bucket but ended up by shovel. While he had the bucket on and dumping top soil by the tree I had him lift me to trim off broken branches.

The rain had quit on the drive home but eventually came to the ranch however it was only a short lived drizzle. S and I finished dirting in the tree and staking it on a couple sides coming in just with minutes to spare to catch the Kentucky Derby. I prepped veggies to roast and S the steaks for supper.

Shaina returned from the city after 5 as I was feeding H. We all enjoyed the yummy supper then S was off to her room and B & C headed home (she had put kitties away when in the barn with Roo, thanks B). S was off to the TV room for hockey and I to the computer to catch up the blog. I also finished my kombucha tutorial and shared in a few places. Shaina popped up to make popcorn after 9:30 sharing bowls with her roomies :) thanks. Sheldon made a huge bowl of ice cream loaded with fresh fruit but he did not make any for his roomies.. boo!

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