Monday, May 17, 2021

29 degree day

I woke anticipating the robins at 5:20 but the first did not arrive till 6:20, must have slept in. I managed to shoo him away a couple times and drift till 7:30. I did let out H who slept in house again at 6:30 then S put her in garage on his way back from the bathroom. The furnace kicked in with the windows open all night and man it was brisk in the main area. Time for a cappuccino after feeding Harley breakfast. She is still pretty tuckered out going back to sleep after a potty break. I snapped photos of the latest vases completed.

S got his coffee going while relaxing on his back to work day. He did head out mid morning to change Kaylin's tires and move the electric fencer to the paddocks while I bottled kombucha. When I went to bury my lemon rinds I was hit by the warmest of winds. The day goes from overcast to sunny but very blustery but warm hitting 25 by noon. 

See another one of my robin deterrent window coverings in the background? 

Shaina had a later start to her check in Monday. We all had leftovers for lunch them she was off to town for a massage and a few errands. S hit the couch for a post flight rest and I to catch up the blog. I decided I best clean out the poop in the horses trailer and fill with shavings so was ready for trip to chiro tonight. S ran the shavings bag over in the ranger as he put it away. He jumped in the shower before setting off to do some errands before getting to the airport. I headed to the city just before 2 swooping thru Langdon Tims on route. The temps had risen even further hitting 29!! I had my dental implant inserted and was heading home shortly after. I did stop at the mall on way by to swap essential oil. I bet I have not been in a mall in over 2 years but this hardly counted as I went up the elevator, to the store and reverse getting home by 5.

This is one of the few lady bug tulips I have that survived from Grandma B's back yard ;(

Shaina was busy doing checkins after her afternoon in town. I chowed down the left over steak as I was starving with only Grama's yummy potato salad for lunch. Then prepped B's horse food and fed Harley then and more basic chores while waiting for B to arrive from work. She and Cooper were out at the usual 6:20 ish, she caught Pepper, Roo and KD. I loaded as she did then we loaded the dogs and set off to the chiro for our 7 pm appointment. A paint parcel was grabbed at the gate on our way out I missed when I came thru earlier. It was a busy night with 2 trailers pulling out as we pulled in to line up behind 4 others trailers with more arriving behind us. We had over half hour wait but it did teach Harley patience in a vehicle with other dogs outside.

When it was our turn Roo was first, then Pepper was up but Murray explained that he would says he was metabolic. This is a sugar overload like diabetes which corelates with his frequent peeing, late to shed out, stiff movement which also is similar to Cushings symptoms which had B worried. The solution is to change his diet and limit his time on high sugar grasses. KD was brought for a check as B thinks something out and sure enough she was but it has been since Feb 2020 since she had been adjusted so does very well holding her adjustments. He checked Harley who was all good but Cooper was not a fan of his adjustments getting snappy over it even. 

Once all were done we loaded up and back to the ranch after 8. I unloaded the horses while B put Cooper inside to maintain his adjustment so no playing. She put them in paddocks with Pepper and Roo sequestered to the small paddock behind the shop and KD on her own much to her displeasure. I scooped out all the poop and closed up the windows for the impending rain/snow then brought in the paint parcel. B fed the 2 horses then took Coop for his last poop break and was off for home.

Today is Ada's 8th birthday, HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!

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