Saturday, May 29, 2021

Gorgeous day!!!

5:55 am miss H wanted a hall pass, it was a beautiful sunny wind free morning! Once in the garage I went back to bed to 8 and after a few games of cookie jam I went out to feed her, let the cats out in the sunshine and move horses to the far paddock. it was a gorgeous morning and looks like a hot one ahead. Inside I brewed up some decaf coffee and had a bowl of cereal. The prince woke at 9 so happy he had a 8 hour sleep! We weighed H and she has passed 105 pounds.

Headache today is a bummer so into the shower then a glass of kombucha. Shaina was up after 10:30 as I was trying to restage the corkboard and Sheldon was listening to a meditation. It was then off to the garage to work on the tables. First I put another coat on the fold down table top then painted the base an off white. I tried the same color on the trio but hated it. 

I stopped for a quick tuna sandwich then back out but had Shaina give her opinion. She agreed it was too blue white. She was then off to the city for the weekend then will go to Banff for early next week. Sheldon had went out before lunch to finish the mowing then stopped for lunch and a rest with a crossword I found while laying out paper.

Britt was out before lunch with her dogs, she made food and while it soaked picked some poop in the closest paddock into piles before running to town for lunch. I was painting the other end table a favorite warm white when she arrived back. It looks so much better. I finished up and went out to treat Switch feet with white lightening: an bleach like treatment. I also tweaked the back feet while B did Bird's. 

It was getting super hot in the sunshine even though only 20 but no wind and all sun makes it feel hotter. Sheldon had moved gravel around the shop edges and when done grabbed an ice cream sandwich for us all. He then putzed around with the push mower repair again with no luck. B then lunged Bird followed by Roo then headed for home at 4:30. 

how Sheldon divides plants video

I hand watered my planters and front bed. The dwarf lilac was pulled after the second year of not coming back. S helped me cut some more Japanese iris (with his axe) to plant in its spot. I am only adding perennials I know will grow going forward.

Supper was delicious steak with pototo/carrot pack and a asparagus pack, sooo yummy! The hockey game was on between 2 Canadian teams (clearly what I heard when Oilers lost was a fable LOL) keeping S busy but he did dart out to move his water on trees he has been doing all day. The floor is so dirty I had to vacuum before catching up online. The evening so sooo beautiful we went for a walk with the dog and cats then check allot of the trees before coming in. S headed downstairs to OT hockey and I finished the blog. 

I took H for a last bathroom opportunity and put the cast away with food around 9:30. S did open the cat door we had blocked in along time ago so they can get out if they want. One thing I noticed today was no robin lunacy and I did take the towels down last night in the wind but as I typed I heard what sounded like one hitting a window a few times as did S from his perch on the couch now the game ended and he was online. Once in bed watching my iPad there was nothing thank goodness.

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