Tuesday, May 25, 2021

In town walk and horse trims

H slept inside after hanging with s to watch hockey but wanted out at 5:30 am! It was then off to the garage for her so I could sleep again till almost 8:30. The usual feeding of her and the ferments while S made his coffee. He donned his housecoat to let the kitties out after their 36+ hours indoors while I spent time online trying to sort a credit card points issues. We also tracked down a new tire finally for our wheelbarrow. It is a well used item that is always in use. Matt confirmed we had 33 mm or 1 1/4" of rain!

Shaina popped up for her cappuccino then off to work, I made one too skipping the coffee line. The cash register chime rang for my Etsy shop; the rose oil painting I took extra pictures for a gal for yesterday. I got it all package up to go while S took Harley for a walk. Like the kitties she is a bit house bound.

Lunch was turkey soup, perfect for the dreary overcast day. I also taste tested my fermented lemonade and it is yummy. For sure that will be a do over.

look at the bubbles.. and then after mixed

S had a nap after lunch while I did computer work then we loaded up Harley and headed to town before 3. First stop was to pick up furniture offered to me from a fellow painter who is moving. We had a visit after loading then on our way. Next stop was to pick up Cooper as Britt was sent to the race track and maybe working late. We wiggle our way to the doctors office downtown with the horse trailer going thru the old roads we used to travel daily from grande point. S was off to his appointment while I left the dogs in the truck and walked my Etsy parcel to the post office. Once back to the truck I took H for a half hour walk thru the streets. She was so intrigued by it all and did so well. However I keep forgetting when walking a dog in town one must have poop bags at the ready!! Thank goodness she made it till almost back to the truck and hit the middle of the street crossing.

walk video

Sheldon was just finished up so perfect timing. We stopped to grab an ice cap and dog treats, looped thru the dump to toss trash and back at the ranch before 5. Shaina was just leaving to go to the gym. The pups were off to play for a bit when a few drops of rain sent them in. I cooked up tacos for supper and S and I ate before his online appointment at 6. 

Britt was here after 6:30 and chowed down some tacos then went to feed the horses. Shaina made it back for her tacos after 7 as I was pulling on coveralls to go trim Switch's feet. B had Roo in the arena to work a bit then did her feet too. We worked together to get them done, they were allot softer after the rain which was nice. Sheldon came out to trouble shoot Britt's clunking issue that is getting worse. He took the tire off thinking it might be something but turned out all seemed tight. This is job for a repair shop. Tire went back on and he to the house to catch the hockey game. B and I finished up, I put the kitties in for the night and the townies headed for home before 9.

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