Thursday, May 20, 2021

29 to ice pellets?? WTH

The stupid robin woke Harley who slept inside at 6:30. She came in to be sure it wasn't in the room so I let her out to pee then into the garage then I managed to catch some more interrupted sleep. Honestly this bird thing is getting so old. I was up at 8 to feed her after remotely turning the furnace back on to warm the house after a -1 night outside then to get ready to head to town for my 9 am acupuncture appointment. I even had time to publish yesterday's blog post I had ready to go. However I was right on time after I tried to wiggle my way out of the garage but finally just grabbed Jacob's key and moved his truck. No need to renovate the side ;)

My acupuncturist found all the painful spots and more. Once done I ran quick thru the thrift store, grabbed some milk and taco shells then stopped at the bottle depot. The green flip top beer bottle worked good so I had them hold the rest. They had even more saved up for me, WOW. And this time the owner gave me about 3+ dozen for free and had a worker even carry them to my car, great service.

I drove to the mail for the weekly pickup. Back at home at 11 Shaina and Jacob had made caps and smoothies and Jacob was just leaving for Banff via Costco in the city. I ran and put Bird's blanket on as it is brisk plus 1 out but no snow. I will take the rain and lots of it but the snow can go. Shaina headed down to work and I to the garage to put a second coat of navy on the desk and valet after finally opening my milk paint parcel.

Shaina's robin guard for her office :)

I came in for a bowl of borscht, the last frozen tub Mama K had sent with a bit of my cheese in it. With a hot cappuccino I wrote a Hometalk post for the toy box. Then it was back out to put another navy coat on desk top and touchups then the fronts were decoupaged. This had a learning curve but I got it done and will do more steps once dry. Yesterday Harley got a turkey leg treat while we stayed inside and today I filled her ball with kibble that we still have and let her roll it around.

I totally forgot the kitties today in my hurried running around but at 2:30 I bundled up and went to let them out to stretch their legs along with H then did a loop around the yard to scoop poop. Brr it is chilly. After 4 wee ice pellets made their appearance but it was just a light dusting in the air that melted before contact and was off and on. Shaina headed to town at 5 to hit the gym while I stopped for a couple tacos. H was fed her yummy supper with fresh milk kefir I did just before. Back in side I cracked a kombucha only to have a big explosion LOL but I saved 3/4 of it. Ok maybe 2/3 ;)

This reminded me I needed to bottle and make a new batch of water kefir; pomegranate today. I taste tested the tepache and not sure I am a fan, will let it chill and see another day if that helps. It is a bit funky tasting.

Shaina was bat after 6. The wind had let up and the ice pellet/snow specks gone so Harley and I headed out for a walk before 7. Shaina said too cold and she was too tired to join us. We looped to the west turning the water on to the trough, checking it and then north along the trees and back the laneway. The kitties of course came along and near the pit Harley scored a prize and hustled ahead of us dare anyone take it. 

my walking companions video

Back at the house I saw it was a chicken wing and pretty fresh. Deducing the closest chicken farmer I texted Matt to confirm indeed they lost 9 chickens! Harley was so excited with her treasure. I took offal and put the kitties and J away and fed kibble as well (J prefers the kibble addicted to the salt I think) then hauled a bale down. I feel bad for the ponies in the middle pen with little to eat in the cold so carried it over and tossed out half a bale for them. Retrieving the offal dish I took it back to the garage and grabbed the trimmers to prune some spirea bushes. Britt and Cooper pulled in as it began to lightly misty snow again. The dogs had a game of keep away with the chicken wing till I took it away and gave them the pink ball. B fed her 2 horses and checked them over then loaded up Coop and off for home after 8. 

puppy video

I came in but had to check my decoupage and now it was dry sand off all the edges before coming in. I cracked a cold pomegranate kombucha; my favorite and remembered the last batch was on day 3 of second ferment in the bomb cooler so got it put in both fridges. Like an extra freezer for raw meat we may need another fridge for my fermented beverages LOL. I caught up the blog and Shaina made a batch of popcorn at 9 then back to her apartment to watch netflix and work on programs. Before heading to bed I put up another fancy robin deterrent on my side window.

fancy robin  deterrents

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