Thursday, May 27, 2021

S makes a bison run

I woke at 5:30 expecting the robins but all was good, Harley slept inside and came in at 6:30. The      morning was gorgeous; sunny and no wind. I thought of running to let cats out but S says he was leaving early so thought he might. That and I wanted to go back to sleep which I did after putting H in garage. I woke at 8:30 as per usual feeding time and the prince was still sleeping. Rousted he made coffee and had some toast while I got H fed. The day however had turned windy ;(

S was off to Medicine Hat at 9:30. His plan is to pick up Papa and head to Acadia Valley to check out his bison herd then back to stay overnight in the Hat. I headed to the garage and worked on the corkboard. I was just finishing the stenciling when S called to say he forgot to let the cats out. I ran out as it was now 11:30 to give them some freedom then back to scrubbing the stencil clean and applying the transfers. Dark wax added the final touches and it was complete.

I loaded up Harley and ran to town at 2, we went and picked up Cooper first then to the grocery store. I am getting short on fresh ginger and out of milk but the line was wrapped around the store. It moved pretty fast as many were just getting a few things too. The next quick stop was the thrift store looking for a big jar. No luck on a jar but I found a bread box, magazine rack, cigar box and a cute wood caddy.

A quick drive thru Tims to grab an iced coffee for me and steeped tea for my roomie (sadly they dont give puppy treats) only to have a lady ahead pay for them, thanks lady! My last stop was the mail before arriving back at the ranch. It was a warm one hitting 22.

I grabbed the little table Kaylin brought as next project filling a wee ding then started to sand before I decided to give a deep scrub first. While I had all the stuff out I scrubbed the super dirty bread box and the caddy.

Cabbage rolls were taken out for supper so put them in to heat up. Britt arrived to pick up Cooper and feed the horses with her babysitting dog Kira: Dr Jordan's dog she has for the w/e. Harley was stocked as was Cooper to meet her, she not as much to meet them. I put the kitties away with some offal while she waited for Bird to eat. B had her 2 loaded up and headed for home before 7 as she has a dinner date.

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Shaina and I enjoyed our cabbage rolls then she was back to computer work while I bottled and made a fresh double batch of kombucha. The bottled flavors were the usual; pom/ginger/lemon, grapefruit as well as a couple trial margarita mixes. Once they were all done and kitchen cleaned up she and I took H for a walk around 8:30. It was so blustery yet sunny and still 20, upside no bugs ;)

this stuff is awesome, contact Kaylin if you want to buy some

B had Dave drop her off before 10 to pick up the merc having dropped her car at the repair shop for tomorrow. She thought Switch seemed sore more suggesting bute. I mixed some up in a pail with pellets and took out to her as well as some foam pieces I cut and added to her boots. Poor girl, think combo of her recent trim and standing on the hard floor and traveling seemed to cause sore feet ;(. I crawled into bed before 11 to watch some Startup almost finishing season 2 listening to the wind howl.

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