Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Another great sunrise and day ahead starting at 6 am. H and I back to sleep till 7:30. Our new routine is breakfast moved to 8 am then Roo's muzzle removed. I swept the garage while H ate breakfast. Of course the kitties were let out too and a poop scoop loop around the house. The grass and deck were wet so a bit of rain must have come down in the night.  Inside with my cappuccino I did some computer work. Shaina was up for an early making a cap for a meeting that was cancelled last minute but she kept on with her tasks.

Time to get to work on the dresser. Wood areas now showing after first coat of paint were filled. The drawers were clear and brown waxed then the new hardware put on and hauled in. A brief thunder cloud rolled over alarming H with a bit of rain. The dresser body had a second coat of paint brushed on and the front area dark washed.

A bowl of chili was had for lunch when I noticed my coconut water was not as planned. I did some research and got the grains separated out and put in fridge for a rest. Apparently this is normal but I wont make again. Taste not up my alley. #fail

Shaina was off to town to the gym on a break. Amanda and the 2 littles arrived around 1 as the dark skies got closer and not long after the rains let loose. This time there was a good dump. She brought the sweetest succulent planter and treats for my birthday, THANK YOU XOXO


Her and Archer were off to his dental appointment at 1:30. Shaina was back around 2:30 after the rains ended and the sun was back out. Our rain gaugesis broken so no measurements to share. The last recorded 9/10ths was from the sprinkler LOL. Shaina made a smoothie and had some chili.  Aislyn and I had a great play session but once Shaina was up eating, she was quiet staying by me on the couch. 

opening her birthday bear and treats

This led to her falling asleep just after 3 as S went back down to work again. It turns out Shaina went down to have a nap as well. I did some computer work until Amanda and Arch returned after 4. They visited for a bit with Shaina coming up to say hi before they woke Aislyn and headed home before 5.

Shaina started prepping her supper of ribs; roasted Brussel sprouts and twice baked potatoes. The darn new restrictions were announced at 6 which were disappointing esp for Kaylin who has to close yet again. Frustrating when malls can stay open and have everyone and their dog wandering around gawking for things with no purpose yet hairdressers, spa services and such with booked appointments closed. Patios and gyms closed, 5 people outdoors together, 15 people in church, home schooling but you all can still hit up Walmart and the mall for an outing. GRRRRRR

Amanda sent this of Archer at his dental appt, what a kid :)

There was a bit of a timing issue on supper which may have dried some a bit but it was good. The fact I did not have to cook raises the score too :) Britt worked late but joined us bringing a hot Tims tea for us. THANKS girls for the supper.

Shaina was off to do Instagram posts, B to feed the horses and I catchup the blog. Back to the garage with tubs B had all the cats following her so we put kitties in garage. I fed them some raw offal and left them there for the night. Tomorrow is the girls surgery day. B and Coop were off for home before 9.

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