Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Kittens get spayed

Silly Harley wanted out at 5:40, ugh. I let her out then into the garage and back to bed. I awoke at 7:30 with a start as B planned to be here to pick up kitties at 7:15. I hustled out grabbed them both off the step and into their carriers. I had them both inside ready to go in less then 5 minutes. B arrived shortly after, we loaded them in her car, Cooper was left and off she went. Time for a cappuccino and marketing while stopping to feed Harley then sending them back out to play.

The dresser body was lightly sanded, distressed and the front clear waxed and the top started with dark before I had to come in for a webinar at 10. While listening to yet another Hometalk webinar I wrote a post for the stenciled dresser. I also published the custom painted entry table tutorial.

Shaina had an early meeting but she went back to bed after and only woke at 11. She and I ate the last of the chili for lunch after debating the crazy pandemic then catching the news. What a shit show the government and media have the world in is what we both agree on. Kaylin called to let me know Lexi's first specialist appointment with eye dr confirmed the eye is progressing and really suggests the cataract surgery but does warn it could progress further to the glaucoma state but if they did cataract surgery they could do an additional laser surgery that may help. Her leg will be seen by another specialist at 1.

I made a new batch of water kefir now that they rested for a day. I was just finishing up when Amanda and the 2 littles popped out. She had finished a new shawl and needed some photos taken. We also took the dogs for a walk with Shaina joining us. They headed home and us back to work before 2.

Below Shaina tells them about the dinosaur bone :)

I clear and dark waxed the dresser sides and lower front then started clear coats on the top. While this dried I got started on the custom coffee table. It was hauled outside and sanding begun. The black water marks were a bugger but I got most off. I tried a bit of peroxide on the stubborn stains but it did not seem to help.

Not all coming off so I tried hydrogen peroxide which did nothing either

Another clear coat on dresser top then I hauled the toy box over and started working on it. I sanded and cleaned the top after straightening the latch. Time to come in and do some chores including moving a dog kennel with fresh blanket to the garage for the kitties to spend a few days in. Kaylin got the call for Lexi's leg and she has a torn ACL. They are suggesting the TPLO like Lola had to repair as well as suggesting she could try 6 weeks kennel rest; equivalent to bed rest in humans I guess. She also got the quotes which were staggering of course.

Britt arrived with the kittens before 5. I put them in the kennel to rest for the night. We all went out and caught horses and went for a ride. It was a beauty night with no wind or bugs and 16 out. Roo was naughty so Shaina offered to swap steeds. Back at the ranch Roo got worked out in the round pen while Shaina put KD away in her paddock. I let Switch graze around the shop trees as the grass is really coming while I set up the water on the big tree. I let out the dogs and Harley was ready for supper seeing it was well after 6 now. She ate and was back out to play with Cooper. I then got supper going with Shaina's help as spaghetti maker. We ate while B rode Bird. I moved the water, put J away for the night in the barn with food and brought some to the garage for the girls who were hungry. They keep dumping their water hoping to escape.

B came in to eat then was off for home before 8:30. Thanks for chauffeuring the kitties B! I went and put a 3rd clear coat on the dresser after cleaning up supper when I recalculated the kombucha date. A taste test proved I should bottle so I spent the next while bottling 5 new bottles with fresh pineapple and ginger and made a new DOUBLE batch. I got everything put back and stored in the cooler and cleaned up by 10. Time to get some rest. Harley has decided to stay in garage with the kittens. Shaina made a wee snack before bed and delivered me a dish; fresh strawberries with drizzled chocolate!! Thank you xoxo

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