Thursday, May 6, 2021

Fiddle leaf fig repotted

It's not her it's me ;) I woke at 5:40 expecting to hear H but she was in the garage I went back to sleep but wide awake at 7:30 so after a couple games of cookie jam I headed out to let the kittens out to use the litter box that I totally forgot about. They probably have not gone since they left yesterday morning. I went and took naughty Roo's muzzle off. She is in her terrible 4's this week :) I turned the water on the new "forest".

Back inside I fed H and the kitties who were starved then went and let J out. Time for cappuccino or two. Shaina was going to the gym at 9 but had a headache so slept in. Once she was up she helped me carry the long dresser in. Staging is always a challenge.

this blueberry ginger water kefir was soooo good!!

The wind picked up so the water was shut off. The clouds blew in and the day was ugly grey and very windy but a warm wind. I had another fermented food on my want to try list; honey garlic. It was easy to make.

Shaina snapped this pic the other day

I made a tasty salad for lunch while catching a bit of the news. The kitties were given their pain meds but seem to be doing very well. S was up for leftovers around 1. I hoped she could help me transplant the fiddle leaf but she had a call come in and was back to her office. The pots I had S pick up were not much different so I pulled a tropical plant out of my largest one and potted it in a smaller one then planted the 6 foot fig in it! Success; small things off my too do list.

then I got busy staging the dresser

Harley always has to get in on the photos and inspection of pieces

Vacuuming was next up which led to bathrooms cleaned and chairs tipped up and the entire hardwood washed. I was finishing up when Shaina finished her day around 5:30. How I love a clean house! Sadly it never lasts very long. S finished up the stroganoff and was off to play basketball- outdoors or at least say hi to her friends seeing it was last outdoor game before 6:30. B was out shortly after bringing her and me a chicken wrap, THANK YOU!! We ate then she ventured out in the horrible winds to feed and groom horses then off for home by 8.

fizzy mango kombucha

While she was outside doing that I did a batch of water kefir. Today was fresh pineapple like the kombucha last night. Then it was blog catch up as well as working on my tutorial blog. The subscriber feature is changing so I have to update to my mail chimp account and learn how to connect it. Shaina was back before 10. 

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