Thursday, July 2, 2020

Rib night

Cooper was dropped off before 7 into his kennel and B off to work. S got coffee on early and another typical morning ensued. Both dogs were happy to walk excited to see each other then spend time on the deck. Today is a hurricane wind day but sunny. 

This was our view at 9 am, I spied a buck heading across the paddock and some back in the next field, ok I saw the horses looking at something then saw this..

they were very curious

B had me go check Bird's lip that has been swollen for a few days.

I finished up a Hometalk post for the purple dresser that a lady has arranged to pick up tomorrow after work, fingers crossed. S hooked up the dump trailer and dumped the gravel then took the new tractor attachment and box grader and graded the road.

Lunch break then a nap in big brown for him, I put ribs on for supper and opened my paint package the Fedex guy delivered. I did a live video of the unopening. I also won an Instagram paint giveaway, yeah me!

The dogs and I went on a round about route today thru the winter pasture and even it is very lush. The wind has been horrid all day at the house but along those trees it was smoking hot.

hot on a gopher scent

Lola had her first physiotherapy appointment at 4:30. We loaded up and headed in swinging thru McDonald's for an iced coffee on the way. S ran a couple errands while she and I learned some things to work on to build strength in that back leg.

new driver ;)

balancing front and back end on two balancing cushions and below the 3 legged stand

We were back home around 5; I prepped the veggies to roast and S started the barbeque. Kaylin and Devon arrived just after 6 with Lexi and Cooper. A beer and visit followed by yummy food with Britt arriving before 7 to join us. Cooper and Theo had a great playtime once B went out. Lexi found a fresh horse pile requiring a bath and grounding in the house till they left at 8:30. Britt and Cooper headed home after 8 before them.

S went to push dirt at the pit and make it look more presentable as well as functional for possible fill loads. I did not hear or see him for a while so took the quad down to see he had not rolled it. All was good.

Lola and I went on her evening walk then I used binder rings to secure the pen fencing and gave her a trial stay out all night. Once back from his dirt moving S fell asleep in short order while I watched Netflix. We totally forgot about the fireworks tonight when Amanda asked if we saw them, dang it! Lola made it till after 1 am and I brought her into the garage. The coyotes are just too annoying and kept her on guard.

Britt's backyard grass in a months time

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