Sunday, July 12, 2020

Baling finished

I heard a sprinkle of rain at 7 and hoped it was a dream. When S made coffee at 8 the deck was not wet so perhaps it was just those few drops. We had out coffee in bed then the same ole same ole, Lola meds, walk and to the deck. S hopped in the tractor and raked the last swaths quick. We ran to town quick around 10:30 to drop off my Etsy parcel, grab some free tables and pickup more twine. We picked up an ice cap and donut too.

Britt was here when we got back before 11:30. S got out on the baler ASAP as B and I caught horses and took them for a ride. I took Switch to the round pen and field to exercise a bit more while B fed bird and the others waited. I was untacking as the first raindrops started to fall about quarter to 1. We released them to their paddock as S finished up the last of his baling. PERFECT timing!! (OK there are a few swaths that are not dry but nothing to be really sad about.

B put on Bird's rain sheet and was off for home to paint her master closet. I headed in to do marketing and wrote a Hometalk post for the tray. S came in happy as a clam to work some numbers and have some late lunch and a celebration beer. The rain had socked in but only lasted a little over half an hour then the sun came out again. I went out and took Bird's sheet off for Miss B.

I hauled in the tables we picked up this am.

He installed the new door hardware while I painted the smalls I scrubbed up yesterday. Then he was off to scout some gophers in the ranger around the property.

I was inspired to source some faux fur for the stool upholstery, what do you think?

I hand watered the north garden beds which were dry and the 3 pots by the deck. Seems the rain was from the north as usual. Britt was supposed to be Krystalle's horse and gown model tonight but they postponed due to this crazy weather and now wet grass. Stouts messaged they came home from the lake due to rain and planned to stop by. I scrubbed bathrooms up and made a pizza for supper.

Stouts arrived after 7 for an evening of great visiting, snacking and drinking. They headed for home around midnight. Lola went in the garage and we watched another Waco before shutting off the day.

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