Monday, July 27, 2020

Lola's first night outside on patrol

Those dam magpies and their 5:30 wakeup annoyances. Wish I had a good aim marksmen that was awake at that time to rid me of them ;) I did finally fall back asleep till 9 then scrambled to get Lola pilled, fed and outside, my Monday Instagram feature up, dressed and out the door to the marketing meeting at Sharon's at 10. We solved many more business quandaries over a couple coffees and fresh blueberry muffins.

I was back at the ranch just after 1 to quickly do some marketing then get busy in the garage starting with the one scrubbed chair that needed all the puppy teeth marks sanded out and even some areas filled. The screwed in chair feet were removed too.   

The dresser was thoroughly scrubbed and the dining table got coat #4. However at 28 degrees out the paint was drying faster then need be so once I was done it was time to quit painting. Not the time to start chairs and tomorrow is to be hotter yet.

I even turned the A/C on as this whole week is going to be warm. I think the weather may solve the lush grass issue. This allowed me to get busy with laundry, vacuuming and scrubbing the floor. It looks like my new spin mop is only $10/use now ;) Then it was on to computer work writing tutorials, blog post and marketing. Britt and C stopped after 7:30 for another quick feed for the Bird and off.

I was watching Grey's when Sheldon arrived around 10:30. He jumped in the shower nuked up a hot dog and hit the sheets. Tonight is Lola's first night outside and NOT on the deck. It is far to hot to subject her to the hot garage nor us to the deck patrol.

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