Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Wind woke me around 1 am and continued thru the night, rain was added in full force around 3:30 and after taking Lola out to pee and put on the deck, S checked the gauge to find 6/10s overnight :( Any other day we would be very happy about that rain but when the fields are laddened with swaths this is a sad day.

The rain and wind continued all morning. I transferred the bread loaf to the floured towel bowl to proof till later today. S spent the morning in big brown researching what to do with wet swaths. I had to get busy painting. The vanity got lightly sanded and a first coat of vintage duck egg blue brushed on.

Popping in for lunch the rain was now letting up (only 1/2 of a tenth) but the wind continued. Cappuccinos were made with leftovers then I worked on writing a tutorial for the latest jewelry box before heading back out to the garage to put a second coat on the vanity. I totally forgot the mirror so hauled that out took apart cleaned and painted too. I also painted the drawers bottoms after trying to bleach them.

S cut me some hardboard squares in the shop now the rains had let up. I have an Etsy custom order for 4. He then tried to figure a way to hang the teepee in the shop and relax in big brown. I put the sourdough in after 4 to cook then it cooled for the hour while the lemon chicken and potatoes cooked. While they cooked I sanded and applied the embossing paste stencil tile to the 4 boards.

Supper was delicious. I mixed up pizza dough and left to rise then bagged it up at bedtime and put in the fridge, another meal planned for the week. The sun was now out, I spotted a mama deer and a very new baby in the pasture but to far to get a photo of. We just watched with binos. Britt and Cooper came out after 7, fed and were off. Taking Lola for a walk we passed the mama and baby tracks on the road, look at how wee the baby feet are!! The size of S's thumb!!

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