Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Furniture run and rain ;(

I awoke before 6 thinking the magpies might be eating Lola's food so ran out grabbed it and crawled back into bed. Sadly we awoke to thunder and dark clouds. 

It seemed to circle around with lightening even. S put the tractor and baler in the shop then hooked up the dump trailer. I got the blog posted and after some more coffee and toast we headed out to load the small squares after 11.

Britt and Cooper showed up before 12 to help us. We got first load in to the shop and unloaded on a tarp. It was now 1 so we headed out again to get another load only to be chased in by rain before 1:30. This partial load we left to dry in the shop on the trailer and came in to eat leftover late lunch.

The rain was only a good sprinkle then gone which was a blessing again. B and I went out catching all 4 horses and took them for a ride. I had KD and she Bird riding Pepper. S ran to town to pick up his bale spike and get baling twine. I trimmed Switch after our ride then hosed and released her with the rest. B and Cooper were off to town at 3:30 having a lesson on Roo tonight at 5:30.

our swath lanes

I had a shower, did some quick marketing then once S was back after 4 he hooked up the horse trailer. I swept the shavings to the front and we were off to pick up furniture about 45 minutes north. We swung thru Tim's for a chai tea and donut for the ride. The weather was getting dark as we went north but stayed away while we loaded furniture. I only ended up taking one dresser and 3 little night stands as the 2nd one was all damaged veneer and she still wanted $50! I even had S haul back in a pressboard filing cabinet that was part of the original deal but once I did not take the dresser was $35. Again no thanks. I have learned to say no to crap furniture, yeah me.

On the way home we hit a crazy downpour of rain but it did not last long and was NOT anywhere near Strathmore thank goodness. We were back at the ranch about 7 and my supper plans were not going to work as it takes over an hour to cook. Plan B, I made appetizers and smokies which were all good and much faster even if we were not done eating till before 8. While they cooked I whipped up a sour dough loaf and let it rise overnight.

S went out to pick up the last of the small squares with the ranger as it was starting to get dark again to the west. Lola was very excited to be off the deck and did lots of sniffing on our walk thru the hay and long grass. S was in around 9:30 just after we got back and soaked in a hot tub after his lifting day. I am finally caught up again on the blog! I also got the latest table posted for sale on a few sites, now fingers crossed. As I headed to bed at 10 rain started to sprinkle on the window ;(

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