Monday, July 20, 2020

Animal appointment day

Cooper was quietly dropped off this am. Coffee was served in bed with as ide of Scrabble then I let Lola out first for her bathroom break. Once she was back to the deck it was Cooper's turn. S spent the morning relaxing between the bed, deck and bed prepping for his travel day north. I had to catch up on marketing and the blog as well as packing up the latest S&P crate sale to meet the gal in town later. I also gave Lola her cartrophen shot then cleaned the ash out of the fireplace so S could take it along with the compost pail and the fireplace ash I cleaned out to the pit when he headed outside after 11 to take a gopher patrol. No luck so he moved 6 bales onto the road to save the grass till the buyer comes in August.

Shaina sent me this pic this am

Back to big brown to rest up. Lola and I drove to town for her 12:30 physio meeting a customer there who bought the kitchen goodies. We were back just after 1 where S had his favorite harvest dogs cooking on the barbeque. On the drive home the cash register ran for Etsy!! This time it was the reed basket. After our hot dogs I boxed up the basket. S dropped it at the post office on his way to the airport after 3. He flight is  later today.

It was such a beauty day hitting 25 even. I cleaned out the doggy pool with fresh water and watered the garden. Time to get a blog written: the recent copper/ blues tin tile order.

See the mud puddle where I dumped the old water? Cooper loved it and not long after jumped into the clean water requiring another dump lol

my only other 2 peony flowers

The Jenny Craig pen needs poop pick up so I filled the wheel barrow then caught the 4 horses to load just after 7 to take to chiro. Britt rolled in directly from work as I was loading in the trailer. We loaded the dogs too and were off. However there was no need to hurry to our 7:30 appointment as there were 2 horses there when we arrived. We waited 40 minutes with very patient horses and dogs to have their turn. KD only had a tweak as did the dogs and the other 3 were adjusted.

We had them all loaded and off by 9 and back to the ranch to put on fly sheets, Bird got fed and all put in paddocks. I walked the dogs while B fed then she and Cooper were off. Lola was put in garage after her pills as it was now close to 10. I made a smoothie for supper, popped in the shower quick then watched a Skin Decision episode


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