Friday, July 24, 2020

Hail and over 1/2" of rain

So Lola made it till almost 1 am but could not contain herself with protecting so into the garage she went. I had a terrible sleep getting up for the bathroom and pretzels around 3, then remembering to bring  in the dog food so magpies don't eat at 4, then the dam magpies at 5:30 and awake multiple more times before perusing Instagram at 7:30. The morning started out dark and threatening and cool looking but it did get to 23 with the sun out.

I started the day with caps and marketing and trying to get things caught up. Then it was off to work on the dining table. But first I glued the loose veneer on the demi lune table top and clamped it well.

I finished sanding the dining table top then cleaned it to paint. Once I started painting I noticed it was wiping off easy so washed the leg off and sanded the base lightly to scuff. Then I removed the top and painted the base white.

The sun was peeking out so I headed out to do the next chore on my list; pick poop in the fat pen. In one hour I had 2 full wagon loads!

Now I tried another coat of paint only to double check the can and it says 8-12 hours between coats. Time for a cold beverage and some salad and catch a bit of the 5:00 news. That did not last long as the next item on my list was to ride seeing Britt was not going to tonight. I caught Miss Switch and she and I went for a nice half hour work out. I let her graze along the shop edge for 8 minutes while I put away items then put her back in the pen with crusty KD. I had just put out minerals as Britt and Cooper pulled in at 6:30.

She did her feed quick and was off as I had moved to watering my garden and pots. However the weather had other ideas and thunder started to roll. I pulled a pile of dill for a friend and so the zucchini can find sun as the wind picked up. 

I came in just as the wind, rain then hail began to pummel us. It came down for probably 15 minutes eventually turning to just rain then moving on.

now that is a fridge full of dill 

check out these videos

I did computer work running out before 9 to check the rain gauge. We got just over 1/2" of rain in that short time. A quick trot to the barn to toss the fat girls a bit of hay to warm them up and sure enough it started to rain again while the sun was shining.

I hauled back 2 dining chairs then got Lola on the deck and give her pill. She has had a busy day and tuckered and a bit sore. I am thinking she will sleep thru the night. Tonight it was a cup of tea as I worked on the blog and computer and watched Canadian Baker episodes. Putting Lola to bed and moving to mine I finished up season 1 and shut out the lights.

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