Sunday, July 19, 2020

Banff trip

Super exciting day to head to Banff and see Shaina's new place and tour around. We had a coffee and got all packed up including Lola and were off after 10. We swung thru town to grab an ice cap for the road and pick up a couple things form Shaina from Britt's. She also dropped my Etsy parcel off later on her way to the ranch, thanks B! (she could not come along sadly as she was on call)

Kaylin met us at Home Depot on 16th (thanks to Devon for the drop off) and we were off arriving at Shaina's new digs at 12:30. It is a cute little place. Our hike was beautiful along the Bow river. Lola loved this new found world of cool refreshing water along the way. 

S wanted to get the boat in the picture LOL


Lets just say Lola was a big Banff fan and loved the river

We hiked 3.5 kms then back to Shaina's for a very relaxing beverage and snack time on her front lawn. S even managed to have a nap. Once Jacob was back from Calgary and unloaded his Costco goodies we all loaded up and headed to Cascade Pond for a smokie campfire. We lucked out getting a spot and in short order had a fire going and smokies underway. Some even made chocolate filled marshmallows.

We once again loaded the dogs and Kaylin, said our goodbyes and were on our way to the city before 6:30. We hit rain in Canmore and from there to the ranch it continued. Man we had a very lucky day with only a few sprinkles. Devon met us at the drop off spot to get Kaylin and Lexi. Thanks for joining us girls. We stopped at a Tim's for a hot chai now that it is cool and rainy. The rain was at the ranch when we arrived but there was only a drizzle and nothing in the gauge. B said it rained all afternoon in town, go figure.

After tucking Lola in for the night and unloading all the car stuff it was time to shower the camp fire smell off. I heated up the left over roast beef supper for us and we rounded out a very good day with a movie in bed; The Old Guard. It was quite good.

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