Monday, June 3, 2019

Plant day and 25th birthday

Happy 25th to our beautiful Shaina Lee!!! XOXO

After our coffee in bed, our morning chores were heading outside. S moved his water then started picking dandelions in the island while I hand watered the garden, pots and front flower bed. He then ran for another load of water at 10:30, I got busy gluing the spindles on the chair and getting it back together and a few photos.

I waxed the large pot I painted yesterday and love it!!

The palm was planted in a large plastic pot that will sit in the above ceramic pot.

Once back an hour later, S took one tote with the skid steer along the outside fence line to water the new caraganas while I ran and gave Bird her 3rd new supplement. This has to be given separately from the other two.

Lunch was a left over kinda thing then S was in big brown for a nap before his journey north. I started hustling back and forth to the garden shed to find pot for my new plants. I found the right ones and decided on colors. All were scrubbed and left to dry well.

pots needing an update

Prince was off after his nap around 2:30. I hauled cardboard, pots and spray paint to the shop as the breeze could affect my paint job. I have put on 6,000 steps so far hiking back and forth but the pots turned out great. Now to let them dry a bit before potting.

Onto setting up the bed frame and arranging the nightstands after removing hardware. Once in place, power sanding was underway on all rough areas then wiped down. More on this tomorrow, time to plant my "new" pots. The fiddle leaf went in the large teal plastic pot and the Norfolk pine in the turquoise ceramic pot. The dracaena got moved into the pretty pot the girls bought me with the fiddle leaf and it moved to our bedroom. I hauled up the to be repotted, trimmed yellowing leaves off, found a pot, scrubbed it up and will finish it tomorrow.

Now to set up the bedroom suite to prep for painting. I was hoping S had time to help me before he left but I managed.

The one top had deep gouges that needed to be sanded out so I got started on that. I will continue tomorrow.

T ate my other half of Vietnamese noodles B brought me on Saturday while I caught the first part of the 5pm news. The wind had picked up with dark clouds and dust blowing everywhere. Guess I best get out and do the supplements. I took 2 buckets to the far paddock for the gingers. They came running ate quick and I was off to mix the next set. These 2 however got all worked up with the wind howling and were flying around the paddock NOT coming to me shaking the pails sheltered on the south side of the shop. As they flew around I saw Bird in the corner doing her stop rear etc. I gave up calling them and went to make Roo's applesauce/probiotic combo and a treat for Daisy.

I went out with all 4 buckets when I saw Pepper prancing around the black girls pen. WTH, off I went to catch him and find the corner rail was down (bonked by Bird in her dance) and the hot wire pulled out as Mr graceful lept over the bottom rail. I put the rail back in, moved the wire back but not in place til tomorrow, caught him and put him back in his pen where KD had been frantically pacing yet not attempting to jump said lower rail.

Now I headed back , got the buckets, fed D&R then had to hold the buckets for B&S till they were done. Pails all put back and halter away, doors closed and back to the house where I had close to 6,000 more steps in LOL

golden hour makes the bleeding hearts pop

Cold Molson 67 time it was and a salad even though it was almost 8. A decaf cappuccino and soak in the tub were next before getting out to write today long blog post. But as I finished the blog post after 10, I noticed the house was heating up. Sure enough the A/C issues were happening. Trouble shooting with the boss man I got it running again. I watched YouTube till midnight and found it once again was heating so shut it completely off and will deal with it another day.

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