Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dresser and ruler finished.. oh and Roo's first ride

The day started out blustery and overcast, perfect day to do some marketing and projects in the garage. While enjoying my first cappuccino I wrote a tutorial for the bedroom suite. I ran out to give Bird her gastro and fertilized all my plants just in case it rained again.

On my way thru the garage, I scrubbed up an antique chair ordered and clamped it all down and left to dry.

Back inside it was now noon so I had my second coffee with my lunch.

Britt and Cooper arrived after 1, time to get busy on her sofa table. I got to work finishing the dresser measuring, cutting and installing drawer liner and the knobs.

AS I was hauling each finished drawer in, I ended up kicking over the tin of paint had sitting on the floor.. dam it!

Quickly I scooped most of it back up and scrubbed the floor, my hands, the can etc and moved it to the table ;)

She helped me haul the dresser part in after her coat was on then she ran to town and I staged it quick.

She returned with Dairy Queen summer berry cheesecake blizzards. They were so many calories but so worth it, THANKS B!!

I was working on the hand painting of the custom ruler. It took two hours!!

B finished my poppy painting, thanks again B

PS I DO NOT like the Ellie at the top, I suggested putting between the 5-6 like the birthdate at bottom but the grandma was specific I needed it at the top. I does make my eye twitch  but the customer is always right ;)

Now it was time to make us some supper then go out to work with the horses. The sun had come out around lunch and the wind dropped at supper making for a gorgeous night. The 7/10ths rain total yesterday however made for some hungry mosquitoes. I helped Britt make her first ride on Roo then she and I went for a really nice ride. Mostly at a trot to keep the bugs at bay.


We came in after rugging them up and putting out and enjoyed a decaf cap. At 9:30 we headed out to work on projects. Britt clear waxed and started dark waxing her table while I tidied and worked on jewelry box repairs. We closed up shop at 11 calling it a successful day!

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