Sunday, June 30, 2019

First swaths of the season

These long days of summer are beautiful but the early start to them with a cacophony of birds outside my window is NOT! I was awake at 6:30 today thanks to them. I tossed and turned and tried ear plugs with no luck so got up and did marketing and blog updates. Grama was up just before the coffee grinder went off. She and I had a coffee soon to be joined by Candace, then Papa and eventually sleeping beauty after 9.

over in BC Shaina is catching some sun and fun

Toast and coffees all around and more visiting before they loaded up and were headed east around 11. S and I unloaded furniture and moved some from the garage to the storage trailer and B's tack trunk in the barn. We ran to town quick trying to find something to help with wind by my new rose bushes. We hit every hardware store and finally at the last one, Home Hardware we found actual wind screen. We decided to go with burlap though as cutting the screen would not be good and only needed a certain height.

Back home I made us a healthy protein smoothie for lunch then S had a nap. I went out to water my garden and pots then got started on the wind break. It ended up turning out really good and hope it helps and can withstand the wind too.

Once awake, S worked on getting the swather ready to cut hay. Britt and Cooper arrived around 4 as he was just taking it out to make a few rounds. I made us a yummy spinach salad fresh from my garden along with corn on the cob that was so yummy. S also had lasagna Grama brought along once he was back in from the test drive ;)

After eating he went back out to try and sniper a few rascally gophers that eluded him earlier then quickly mowed the main lawn. I worked on the blog with a cappuccino having made one for B too who spent the entire time setting up her flash new iPhone.

She did run out and give supplements quick though. I went out to dead head the lilacs and pruned a few trees. I found another suffering poplar. A picture to Mom had a call saying it looked like scale and needed to be treated ASAP, so morning it will be.

B ran to town and brought us back DQ blizzards, it is last day of increased calories, THANKS B!! As I was watching Netflix I had 2 dogs playing wildly on our bed LOL

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