Sunday, June 23, 2019

Mom comes for a visit & rain

Cooper was up at 5:45, B put him in the garage with Lola but he was soon scratching so I let him back in and down to her room. Soon after she was up and let both Coop and Lola out at 6. Both of us managed to fall back asleep, she of course for much longer.

Rain drizzled down and actually rained for the morning. Cooper decided he would come in to warm up. I had my warm cappuccino working on marketing. B made one when se was up, seems her machine is not working and this is her fav drink so getting her fill while here. Mom was keeping a gal from Oyen company taking a course in town, B went in to pick her up after 9:30.

She came bearing gifts of farmer market food, parts ordered for S truck and some perennials form aunty Mindy, THANK YOU!! I had a pot of coffee ready for them and we spent the next 4 hours visiting with a fire to warm the house seeing S had disconnected the heat for A/C to work properly. I also made us a healthy smoothie brunch with homemade guacamole and chips too.

It rained off an on for most of the time but only accumulated 1/10. Around 2 the sun peeked out and after Paetz's stopped to pick up Mom for their turn to visit at 2:30 B and I went out. She fed the ponies while I planted up the flowers. It was so sunny and warm but dark clouds loomed from the west and rolled in about and hour later.

newly planted asters

B and I hauled in her sofa table; she cleaned the glass and is leaving me to finish the dark wax. She loaded up Cooper and was off for home before 4. I put another coat of clear on the ruler along with the marketing stickers and this beauty is ready to go.

I made a cappuccino and wrote up this blog post. Then time for another project; the jewelry box was painted a coat of red.

The jewelry box had a 2nd coat and I dark waxed the sofa table for Britt.

I looked out the window and saw this. Only her (ok maybe Roo) could end up like this so out I went to get it back in place.

Another episode of Big Dreams Small Spaces. I am getting too many gardening ideas from these but some good tips too; more mulch will be the plan this week.

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