Saturday, June 8, 2019

Deb arrives as does rain

NO rain or sun when I got up at 8:30 but NO WIND was worth it. I wrote a blog tutorial for my latest dining table over my morning cappuccinos. Then got it posted and emailed to the product companies involved. I did have to give in and turn on the furnace as it looks like the next few days will stay on the cool side with a chance of more rain to come tonight; fingers crossed!!

I went out at 11 to give Bird her gastro meds and take off her blanket. The sun popped out which was nice seeing the still damp grass sucking up the moisture. I did a quick bit of gardening too while out there. I moved the truck and water trailer to new spot with the last tote of water.

Inside a quick bite of lunch and blog catchup along with washing up Shaina's bedding and last minute tidying. Deb and Mary arrived about 2:45 followed soon after by Britt and Cooper. We visited over a cold beer and some snacks for the weary travellers before heading into Amanda's for a visit and supper around 4. Britt was off to Brooke's grad celebration.

We had a yummy supper and good visit.

cute kids table

someone enjoyed the lasagna ALLOT

busy night reading and workbooks


It rained a bit while in town but nothing at the ranch however when we got back to the ranch and I was organizing Deb's car putting in her to new tables, I finished just as rain started and then came down good. Britt pulled in soon after and had to run out to give 2 horses their 4cyte.

a friend took this photo of the storm rolling in, isn't it great?

The 4 of us played cards until about 11 before calling it a good day.

there was a 5th player for awhile too 

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