Friday, June 21, 2019

Double A stay

I was hoping for rain when I awoke but no luck. I brewed up my first cappuccino and let Lola out before Amanda dropped Archer and Aislyn off for a "nanny" day after 9/ She is off to chaperone Ada's corn maze field trip. Before she arrived I ran out quick in my housecoat and rubber boots to give Bird her gastro.

Her hair cracks me up

The kids were great fun as usual. We were busy throughout the morning playing. A short burst of rain rolled thru at 12:30 as I rocked Aislyn to sleep before 1 while Arch caught a Paw Patrol on his Ipad.

monkey twirler and cookie monsters

She slept for about an hour waking and ready to play. Amanda got back after 2 and had a short visit before setting off for home before 3. I headed to the garage then to get to work on the dresser. I put the first coat of stain on the sanded areas and another coat of blue on the body. I sorted my hardware boxes and found 6 matching knobs to use. They were painted a coat of blue.

Out to feed the horses in the brrrr wind and checked that there was 1/10th of rain this am. Not bad, I will take any amount we get. Then it was time to jump in the car and jet to town at 6. I made a stop at Rona to pick up the wood for the custom growth ruler. It looks like they have gone out of selling regular furniture stripper too, only environmental kinds, yikes!

Then to Walmart to grab a few items then grabbed a chai on my way to Asher's last baseball game. I needed the tea as it was only 9 out and bitterly windy. Ada sat on my knee to help us both keep warm. The game wrapped up before 8 and we all hustled to our warm cars. Good job Ash, you are a good back catcher.

I picked up the mail on my route home. Time for supper finally. I sautéed up zucchini to go with my chicken breast I cooked extra yesterday, yummy! KD was doing her hollering and I could only see 3 horses. Even though I know I locked the arena door I hustled out to double check and dump compost on the way. Nope he was not in there, she was just upset cause all 4 were down in the far paddock. It was misting again as I did so but soon let up.

looking outside I saw a coyote checking out the closest shelter then the middle then scoot along the fence towards the running horses then right beside them!! Lola was inside already so he was lucky. Can you spot him?

Off to the garage now to paint anther coat of blue on the knobs and apply another stain coat after a light sand. Wanting something sweet I made a quick protein smoothie and wrote todays blog seeing I am all caught up. In bed watching YouTube rain started to come down at 11:45 and for a bit. Our trusty new rain gauge says just over 1/10th the next morning.

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