Thursday, March 28, 2013

701 - last day of work

Day 701 was a day in lieu of Good Friday off for Sheldon and it is Britt's last day before her Easter vacation but for me it is my last day of work before break up. As Britt waited for her ride she spied a coyote right out front of the house antagonizing poor Diego. Sheldon leaped out of bed at this news and shot off 2 bullets (missing both times) at the rascal. Good thing we are in the country.. a crazy dude in his skivvies shooting a loaded gun at an animal across the field is quite a sight! he quickly got back into bed and slept until I called home at 9:40!

Grady gave Britt a ride leaving me to drive right to work. I finished up all my work jobs and was out of the office at noon for probably a month. All dependent on the weather of course but I am good as I have a stack of furniture that needs to get finished.

I dropped used stamps and Campbell soup labels o  ff at the church before going to pick up the lovely bouquet of flowers Ma and Pa Kuhn had sent to us for Easter. They will be very pretty when they open. Thank you so much XOXOXO

A quick stop to grab last minute groceries for the Easter weekend and off home. Sheldon was grading the yard after he put out a bale for the horses. We had a quick lunch then began tidying the house for guests. He swept the deck around the house as mud is now a common occurrence while I scrubbed all sinks and tubs, vacuumed and mopped. Did I mention I can't wait for grass to lower the dirt accumulation??

Shaina's and the spare room needed sheet changed which I forgot so they were washed and changed while Sheldon worked on humidifier maintenance. I also managed to get in 2 coats of wax on the accent table and another coat of poly on the stain tables too.
Debby, Chuck, Stephanie and Robby arrived at 9 pm after their grand Canadian tour so far. We enjoyed a nice visit around the fire till midnight then we all hit the sheets for some rest (and reading).

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