Thursday, March 21, 2013

694 - snow returns with vengence

Day 694 I awoke to plus 1 and light fluffy snow coming down. Sheldon said it rained all the way to work in the city when he went this am. The snow got worse and they even forecasted a severe winter storm but it seemed to settle to just a storm.

Today I experienced acupuncture for my very first time. It was very interesting. I came home with ear beads, part of auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture. Look closely you should see 2 in this ear.

I also stopped to drop mail off for Reese's upcoming birthday and grab groceries. Back at the ranch I sanded my hutch repairs and added a bit more.

I made spaghetti and meat sauce casserole for supper so Britt and I could eat before taking off at 5 for the Bangles Gala night. It was a fun night. Amanda demonstrated on Britt how to create beach waves, we enjoyed a microzone facial each and hand scrub and massage along with the cupcakes and treats galore.

We made our purchases and gathered our goody bags and left at 8. We stopped at our new Royal bank branch to grab cash for more furniture purchases and stopped to pick up the chairs of one of the purchases.

Home safely it was hot tub and bed time for all. Sheldon had put out a bale for the horses and played fetch with Diego who is so out of shape before he came in and relaxed with hockey
this is a geographic audience map of this blog.. shows our friends from UK and Aus as well as Shaina's views from Thailand, amazing internet! Shaina is off to another polocrosse tournament this w/e  so excited to see some photos.

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